Mission:Common - Meet Sarah Peters and talk to her about the theft
Meet Sarah Peters and talk to her about the theft (1-5)
Visit Sarah Peters in Atlas Park
I just spoke to Sarah Peters, an FCC investigator who tracks illegal broadcasts. She's intercepted some messages from Council soldiers. It seems they're planning to steal a powerful artifact that the government's been trying to protect for decades. Please meet Sarah Peters and talk to her about the theft.
Mission Acceptance
Sarah seems pretty upset. If the Council is involved, that's certainly understandable.
Unnecessary Solicitation
You should talk to Sarah Peters. If it involves the Council, it may be important.
Mission Objective(s)
- Visit Sarah Peters in Atlas Park
Oh, Character! Contact told me to expect you. You should hurry; I hear those Council soldiers are already on the move. You've got to get to the warehouse and find crate 878-932 before they do. Get it to Azuria in City Hall; it'll be safe there. Good luck, Character. And whatever you do, don't look inside the crate!
Locate crate 878-932
Unnecessary Solicitation
It's up to you to find that crate before the Council does.
Mission Objective(s)
In the distance, you hear shouted orders and the sounds of heavy boots on cement floors.
- Locate crate 878-932
This is crate 878-932! You got to it before the Council found it.
You look for the ID number on the crate.
You have found an ID number.

This large crate is labeled 878-932. According to Sarah Peters, it contains a powerful artifact that the Council intended to steal. You have an almost irresistible urge to peek inside.
Take the crate to Azuria
Unnecessary Solicitation
You need to get that crate to Azuria for safekeeping.
Mission Objective(s)
- Take the crate to Azuria
Thank you. I shall place this within the vault and guard it with the strongest wards. The artifact within is not a thing for mortal or immortal use. You didn't look upon it, did you?
Azuria tells me that that contents of crate 878-932 are safe in the MAGI vaults.
She didn't want me to speak of this to many people, but you've earned the right to know: the artifact within is known as a Looking Lens. By peering through it, you can see the very desires of the people around you. That's why you had to keep the crate closed, Character. There is some information that no one is meant to have.