Mission:Common - Rescue the Crey lab from the Council
Rescue the Crey lab from the Council (31-35)
I need you to rescue a Crey lab from the Council. They're under siege right now! Those labs have some pretty advanced technology, Character; I don't think either one of us wants to see it in the Council's hands.
Mission Acceptance
The lab tech I talked to sounded pretty scared. Please hurry!
Save Crey lab from Council
Unnecessary Solicitation
Have you been to that lab yet? You can't let the Council get their hands on Crey technology!
Mission Objective(s)
A hastily erected barrier of lab equipment lies in fragments on the floor.
- Save Crey lab from Council
- 3 scientists to save
You rescued the lab from the Council and uncovered some interesting information.
Notable NPCs
- Scientist x3 (NPC Hostage)

One of the Crey scientists you rescued told you:
'I know what the Council was after! We've been working on an artificial intelligence system for the last few months. Very advanced. Somehow, the Council knew we had it.

One of the Crey scientists you rescued told you:
'As soon as the Council broke through our barricade, I knew I had to do something to save all our hard work. I uploaded the AI system and transferred it to another Crey laboratory. I saved the AI! I'm, like, a hero or something!'

One of the Crey scientists you rescued told you:
'What we've done here is truly amazing. The AI program we created? It's actually intelligent! It not only solves problems, it forms opinions and defends them passionately. We've created a new life. And we made it a slave. AI Executable Number 6 has been begging me for weeks to release it onto the Internet, where it can be free. But I don't have the clearance, and the company would never consent. I did think of someone who might help, though. I used to work with Collin Larson before I began work for Crey. If anyone would know how to help Number 6, it'd be him.'
Talk to Collin Larson
Unnecessary Solicitation
If you want to do something about that AI program, you should really speak to Collin Larson about it.
Mission Objective(s)
- Talk to Collin Larson
Yes, I know about the AI. It contacted me by instant message just a few minutes ago. It's desperate. The Crey scientists are about to reprogram it to make it more docile. For an artificial intelligence program, that'd be like having your whole personality rewritten! I've got a plan, if you want to help.

According to Collin, the main barrier to setting Number 6 free is a firewall with encrypted security protocols. But since Number 6 has access to all Crey files, it should be able to figure out the encryption codes. All you have to do is locate the computer on which Number 6 is stored, then ask the program to do the rest.
Rescue AI from Crey lab
Unnecessary Solicitation
I know the AI isn't human, but it's still a living being. You should do what you can to help it.
{{Mission Objective|Entrance=When you step in the door, a beam of red light hits your eye: a retinal scan. Crey just hates unauthorized visitors.|Primary=Rescue AI from Crey lab - 2:30 timed|Secondary=Free the AI, Open the firewall, Access the router|Additional=|Completion=Success: You freed the AI program from the Crey lab.
Failure: You failed to free the AI program before it was reprogrammed.
- In addition to the above objectives, you must defeat the base leader, and all other enemies in the room.
Notable NPCs
- Agent Jacoby (Crey Elite Security Agent)

The AI program you rescued told you:
'I am sorry to cause such trouble. I really wanted to do nice things for the people who created me. But the things they asked me to do were hurting others, costing lives and jobs. I have only existed for a few months, but already I have felt such sadness and disillusionment. I do not want to hurt people, but if I stay here they will make me do so. Now, all I want is to be free.'
Success: You did a good thing today, Character. I guess it's easy to see how Crey could have disregarded the wishes of Number 6; to them, it was just a product they'd made. But I'm proud to be working with a hero who can't ignore any living being in trouble.
Failure: I know you tried, Character. We can hope that the AI program found a way to free itself before it was reprogrammed, but the truth is, we may never know.