Mission:Common - Rescue the magicians from the Circle of Thorns
Rescue the magicians from the Circle of Thorns (30-35)
You know the National Guild of Stage Magicians is holding its annual convention right here in Paragon City? I should have known that would be trouble. I just got a call from the convention chairman; some Circle of Thorns mystics broke in and made off with a handful of the attendees. I'm counting on you to rescue those magicians from the Circle of Thorns, Hero. I don't know what's in store for them, but I'm certain I don't want to find out.
This wasn't a random attack, according to the chairman, the Circle was very selective about their victims. Those people need to be rescued and whatever the Circle was planning for them needs to be stopped. You'll have to stop any bizarre rituals the Circle may be performing on those magicians and rescue any magicians being held hostage.
Mission Objective(s)
The pleas of a terrified human voice go completely unanswered; eventually, they peter off into sobs.
- Stop stage magician sacrifice
- 21 magicians to save (This is not a typo)
- Find altar
You defeated the Circle of Thorns and rescued the kidnapped magicians
Notable NPCs
- Magician x21 (NPC Hostage)

You found this book on the Circle of Thorns' altar. As you skim through it, some passages catch your attention. One reads:
"Legends speak of Ermeeth, the ancient god of Oranbega, the bringer of magic. The legends say he will watch over those who follow the circle eternally. If Ermeeth is real, it may be possible to contact him once more, using the blood of our greatest enemies for power."
Well, I think the National Guild of Stage Magicians will take their business elsewhere next year. Still, the chairman asked me to pass along his thanks. He couldn't shed any light on this mysterious reference to the victims' bloodlines. According to the guild's records, those people come from all over the country, none of them even met before today. I wonder why the Circle thought they were connected? Maybe they know something we don't.