Mission:Common - Save the Crey lab from the Freakshow
Save the Crey lab from the Freakshow (31-35)
I need you to save a Crey lab from the Freakshow. According to my sources, the Freaks are planning to attack it today. Apparently they are after some sort of advanced medical technology that will help their bodies more readily accept their metal implants. You better get over there fast!
Mission Acceptance
That Crey lab is home to a lot of sensitive technology. Make sure the Freaks don't get their hands on any of it.
Save Crey lab from Freaks
Unnecessary Solicitation
You'd better get over to that Crey lab on the double! The Freaks are tearing it apart!
Mission Objective(s)
You hear a loud crash and a whoop of laughter. The Freaks sound like they're having a good time
- Save Crey lab from Freaks
- 3 scientists to save
After calling your contact, you receive instructions to hit the streets and see if you can find where the Freaks took the stolen technology.
Notable NPCs
- Scientist x3 (NPC Hostage)
- Cha0s(Freakshow)

One of the scientist you rescued told you:
"The Freaks stole our latest biotech gadget: the cellular regenerator. It was due to appear in hospitals as soon as we got approval. The regenerator repairs human tissue at a phenomenal rate, the Freaks probably want it so they can implant more devices in their bodies and recover from wounds more quickly. They also stole a lot of our data. You could have a hard time fighting them if you don't get it back!".

Even though it isn't a stated mission objective, this mission cannot be completed until all enemies have been defeated.
Question Freaks for base location
Unnecessary Solicitation
Have you found that Freakshow base yet? Well, you better get cracking!
Mission Objective(s)
- Question Freaks for base location
- Defeat 30 Freakshow
After interrogating several Freaks, you learn where they have taken the stolen Crey technology.

After interrogating the Freaks you defeated, you learned that the stolen cellular regenerator is being held in an abandoned warehouse. It's a heavily guarded Freakshow base, so you had better go in ready for a fight.
Recover Crey tech from Freaks
Unnecessary Solicitation
That Crey technology is very powerful. I'm sure the Freaks will do something awful with it if we give them the chance.
Mission Objective(s)
A burst of gunfire indicates that someone else is displeased by the Freaks' recent activities
- Recover Crey tech from Freaks
- 3 items to recover
You recovered the stolen Crey biotech from the Freakshow.

You recovered this cellular regenerator that the Freakshow stole from Crey Industries. The scientist you spoke to said this machine was scheduled to appear in hospitals soon, but it looks far more advanced than anything you've seen in Paragon City's state-of-the-art facilities.

You found this stolen Crey file on a Freakshow computer. It contains extensive data on human cloning, and refers to experiments that date back several years.

The Freakshow stole this genetic data from Crey. Each vial contains a skin sample, and each is labeled with the name of a well-known hero of Paragon City.
I have to admit, I wonder about what Crey was up to in that lab. As a minimun, it sounds like they're skirting government regulations regarding experimentation with cloning. I wonder if the Countess is aware of this?