Mission:Common - Save the Wyatt mediums from the Circle of Thorns

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Save the Wyatt mediums from the Circle of Thorns (30-35)


You've heard of those magically-gifted Wyatt triplets; they sometimes call themselves the Weird Sisters? They were conducting a séance over at the van Horn mansion, when some Circle of Thorns mystics broke in and spirited them away. Someone's got to save the Wyatt mediums from the Circle of Thorns. It's been said that those women have great power; I'm sure the Circle plans to force them to help with its nefarious plots.

Mission Acceptance

Don't laugh, but I once had Jan Wyatt read my tea leaves. She's a sweet woman; I'd hate to see anything happen to her.

Unnecessary Solicitation

You might call this a multi-media project. Seriously, get on it.

Mission Objective(s)

A pale, blue shawl lies on the floor, the shimmery fabric has been trampled and ripped by the feet of the Circle's mystics

  • Save mediums from Circle

You rescued the Wyatt sisters and found a strange book. After calling your contact, you receive instructions to take the book to the mysterious Dr. Cheng for translation.


Circle of Thorns

Notable NPCs

  • Alice Wyatt (NPC Hostage)
  • Tillie Wyatt (NPC Hostage)
  • Jan Wyatt (NPC Hostage)

Circle of Thorns text

You found this tome on a Circle of Thorns alter. When you hold it, you have an unsettling feeling beneath your skin, as though your blood longed to pour itself out across the black pages.


  • All enemies in the last section have to be defeated, even though that is not one of the stated objectives.


After exiting the mission you will be ambushed by a single group of Circle of Thorns mystics

Mission Objective(s)

  • Take book to Dr. Cheng


This book, my friend, is called the Codex of Bloodlines. It is a tool the Circle uses for tracing the ancestry of their victims. When a person's name is writ in blood upon the page, her entire family tree becomes written there as well. You see, here is the family tree of Tillie Wyatt. And here are those of the Circle's recent victims, as well as many of their followers. My word. Each person here can trace his or her bloodline all the way back to the mystical kingdom of Mu.

Mu? The last great stronghold of magic. In Mu, all men were sorcerers, as were all women and children. They were a warlike people, eventually destroyed by an enemy they had thought too weak to fight back. But a few refugees survived, and many of today's magic heroes can trace their ancestry back to Mu. It seems the Circle is aware of the power that still runs through that bloodline.

Look at this! All of the Wyatts' Mu blood comes from their father's side; their mother had none at all. If the Circle is aware of this, they will certainly try to kidnap Mr. Wyatt. His daughters' magic is potent, but he is the Circle's real prize!

The Codex of Bloodlines

This magical tome can trace a person's ancestry back to the time of the powerful pre-historic magic users. Any name written in its owner's blood blossoms out a crimson family tree on the book's black pages, in the arcane language of the Circle of Thorns.

Mission Objective(s)

You hear several voices raised in desperate appeal. Apparently, Jim Wyattisn't the only person whose ancestry has betrayed him to the Circle

  • Save Mr. Wyatt from Circle
    • 1 Clue
    • 6 hostages
    • Save Mr. Wyatt!

You rescued the hostages and found a list of names.


Circle of Thorns

Notable NPCs

  • Descendant of Mu x6 (NPC Hostage)
  • Mr. Wyatt (NPC Hostage)

Book of names

You found this book in a Circle of Thorns base. It contains a list of people, all of whom can trace their ancestries back to the mystical kingdom of Mu.


  • While the stated objective for this mission is save Mr. Wyatt, to complete the mission you must also save all of the Descendant of Mu hostages as well.


The Wyatts have been reunited, and they couldn't be more grateful. You did a great job on this one. Thanks to this book of names you recovered, we know the identities of many people the Circle no doubt planned to attack or recruit. I'll make sure that anyone in danger gets warning or protection from the Circle of Thorns. I hope they'll listen, but the allure of magic is a strong temptation for many in these desperate times. We'll just have to keep our eyes on them.