Mission:Common - Save the lawyers from the Circle of Thorns

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Save the lawyers from the Circle of Thorns (30-35)


Have you heard of the Patterson & Patterson, the deffense attorneys? They've been in the news a lot lately for their well-nigh miraculous success, no matter how hardened their client, they always seem to win an acquittal. Well, the Pattersons are in big trouble. I've heard rumors that the Circle of Thorns is going to raid their firm today, and they plan to sacrifice every last person inside. Do you think that you can save those lawyers from the Circle of Thorns?

The Pattersons even defended some Council soldiers who were involved in a munitions theft. Hard to believe, but they got them off.

Mission Objective(s)

A framed photo shows Warren Patterson himself shaking hands with the mayor of Paragon City. It's funny, but you could swear he looks slightly uncomfortable.

  • Defeat all mystics in law firm
    • 6 portal stones to destroy

You defeated the Circle of Thorns and rescued the lawyers


Circle of Thorns

Notable NPCs

  • Warren Paterson, Esq (NPC Hostage)


So, old Warren Patterson sold his soul to a demon, huh? I guess that explains why every judge in Paragon City seemed to have gone soft in the noggin. But Warren reneged, he wouldn't surrender his soul. And the Circle came calling to collect. They probably hoped to gain the demon's allegiance by sacrificing Warren along with his entire staff. It probably would have worked, too.