Mission:Common - Save the people from the Devouring Earth
Save the people from the Devouring Earth (30-35)
I just got a call from a municipal office. They've got a serious situation there; the Devouring Earth are raiding the building. They're doing their best to keep the doors braced, but they can't hold out for long. I need you to save those people from the Devouring Earth. There's no time to waste.
Portal Corporation may be the most dangerous enterprise in Paragon City. I don't even want to think about the Devouring Earth getting their hands on that tech!
Mission Objective(s)
Broken furniture litters the floor, the remnants of a makeshift barricade
- Stop Devouring Earth raid
- 2 hostages remaining
You defeated the Devouring Earth and rescued the hostages.
Notable NPCs
- Hostage x2 (NPC Hostage)
- Devoured (Devouring Earth Lesser Devoured)

One of the people you rescued at the municipal office told you:
'I'm grateful to you for saving us, but I wish you had come in time to help our guest, Zyla. You may not believe this, but she's an ambassador from a parallel plane, brought here by Portal Corporation. The Devouring Earth mush have known she was here; they made off with her just before you arrived.
Mission Objective(s)
If your first experience of a new dimension involved the Devouring Earth, you'd be quite happy to spend the rest of your life at home
- Rescue Zyla, the ambassador
You have rescued the ambassador.
Notable NPCs
- Devoured (Devouring Earth Lesser Devoured)
- Zyla (NPC Hostage)

Zyla, the ambassador from another dimension told you:
'Those vile creatures forced me to tell them about my home dimension. They are planning an invasion! They said they would spread over my world as locusts over the fields. You must hasten to Portal Corporation and put a stop to this diabolical plot. I would expect nothing less of one this world reveres as a hero.'
Mission Objective(s)
The scientists of Portal Corporation are among the most brillant minds of Paragon City. To lose one would be a tragedy.
- Stop Devouring Earth invasion
- 5 scientists to save
You defeated the Devouring Earth and saved Zyla's home dimension.
Notable NPCs
- Devoured (Devouring Earth Lesser Devoured)
- Scientist x5 (NPC Hostage)

Even though it isn't a stated mission objective, this mission cannot be completed until all enemies have been defeated.
Good work. Apparently trying to assimilate the rest of this world isn't enough for the Devouring Earth. Zyla's home dimension is far less advanced than ours. If the creatures had entered that portal, they probably would have succeeded in transforming the entire planet into their hideous concept of Eden.
Current Event
Hero's a hero to two dimensions!