Mission:Common - Shut down the Freaks' Excelsior plant
Shut down the Freaks' Excelsior plant (30-35)
I've got a good lead on a plant where the Freakshow are manufacturing Excelsior, the drug that makes them so strong. If we can cut off their drug supply, we might be able to curtail their activities for a while. Will you shut down the Freaks' Excelsior plant? I know you can get the job done, but you won't have much time to do it. Maybe 1 hour, tops.
Mission Acceptance
Without Excelsior, the Freaks are just a bunch of angry guys with bad haircuts. The Freaks know that, too, and won't let you get through their numbers. You could take them head on and defeat all the Freaks in there, or you could try concentrating on the excelsior and taking out the Freak behind this lab and his cronies.
Unnecessary Solicitation
That Excelsior plant is still churning out drugs for the Freakshow.
Mission Objective(s)
The harsh smell of chemicals pervades this building.
- Destroy Freaks' Excelsior plant (Timed, 60 minutes)
- 4 Excelsior Crates to find, Excelsior lab
You destroyed the Freakshow's Excelsior lab.

The mission requires clicking the Excelsior lab object, and defeating KhEm-SeT and all other enemies in his back room. The Excelsior crates are optional.
Notable NPCs
- KhEm-SeT (Freakshow Tank Smasher)

These notes detail the process used to make the drug Excelsior, which is responsible for the Freaks' super strength and resistance to pain. According to the notes, the Freakshow is close to perfecting a new, improved version of Excelsior that will make them even more powerful.
According to these notes from the Freakshow lab, they're close to perfecting a more powerful version of Excelsior. That can't be good, but at least we'll be prepared. Taking out that lab might even put a dent in their supply for a while and slow down their activity. Good work, Character.