Mission:Common - Stop Circle from summoning a demon in Steel Canyon

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Stop Circle from summoning a demon in Steel Canyon (14-17)


I just got an urgent message from MAGI. It seems that Steel Canyon has recently become supercharged with a very dark mystical energy. Azuria thinks the Circle of Thorns may be trying to summon a great demon there. I need you to stop the Circle from summoning a demon in Steel Canyon. That zone has already seen enough trouble!

Mission Acceptance

Azuria believes you should concentrate your efforts on Gimry Ridge and the Copper District.

Unnecessary Solicitation

Steel Canyon is still suffused with mystical energy. If MAGI is right, the Circle could summon that demon any minute.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Combat Circle in Steel Canyon
    • Defeat 15 Circle of Thorns

You have prevented the Circle of Thorns from summoning a demon in Steel Canyon..


Circle of Thorns


Thanks for dealing with those Circle mystics. I guess we'll never know whether they were really trying to summon a demon in Steel Canyon. Frankly, that's just fine by me.