Mission:Common - Stop the Clockwork from producing more robots

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Stop the Clockwork from producing more robots (10-14)


According to my sources, the Clockwork are using the old abandoned Zorihon Technologies office complex as a factory to churn out more of their kind. Can you stop the Clockwork from producing more robots? We have enough trouble keeping them in check as it is.

Mission Acceptance

If we let those robots keep making more of themselves, they'll become a much larger threat.

Unnecessary Solicitation

The Clockwork are still in production at Ultrition Foods.

Mission Objective(s)

Scattered flotsam from the dot-com boom litters the floor. With each step, worthless stock certificates and ISO forms crackle under your feet.

  • Defeat Gears in the Zorihon Technologies offices

You defeated the Clockwork.



Notable NPCs

Ambush! Gears destroyed. Repair units dispatched!

After Gears has been destroyed, there will be three waves of Clockwork ambushes.


It's heroes like you who keep the Clockwork threat from spiraling out of control.