Mission:Common - Stop the Lost from forcing their mutagen on others

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Stop the Lost from forcing their mutagen on others (25-29)


I've got a huge problem with the Lost, Character, and I think you can help me out. It seems the Lost are forcing other homeless people to take the strange mutagen that turns them into grotesque creatures. Maybe they think they're doing those people a favor, or maybe they're acting purely out of malice. Either way, you've got to stop the Lost from forcing their mutagen on others.

Mission Acceptance

I hate to think of Paragon citizens turned being turned into monsters. I'm counting on you to put a stop to it.

Unnecessary Solicitation

From what I hear, the Lost are still forcing that strange mutagen of theirs on others.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Combat the Lost
    • Defeat 30 Lost

You have discouraged the Lost from forcing their strange mutagen on others.


The Lost


Sometimes it's easy to forget, but under their huge muscles and strange behavior, the Lost are still human beings. Thanks for stopping them from forcing their fate upon others, Character.