Mission:Common - Stop the spread of the drug Shift
Stop the spread of the Drug Shift (25-29)
There's been some rumors circulating around about a nasty new drug called Shift that the Family has been selling sporadically. It's a euphoric hallucinogen with a nasty addictive side, but they've already sold out of their supplies. Here's the twist, though. Analysis of captured samples of the drug link it chemically to the mutagens found in the system of captured members of the Lost. My sources have pinned down where the Family are going to be buying themselves a new supply of this stuff. If you can shut this down now, maybe you can stop the spread of this Shift.
I knew I could count on you.
Mission Objective(s)
You can hear the sounds of talking inside. It sounds like a lot of deals are being made.
- Stop villains' leader, his men
- 2 drugs to find, Find drug data!
You have stopped the transaction between the Family and the Lost and stopped the spread of the drug 'Shift'.

This sickly liquid is a sample of the mutagens that the Lost use to alter their initiates into something other than human. Oddly, the abhorrent looking sludge has a strangely compelling odor.

These roughly written yet extensive notes detail step by step the process of altering the Lost Mutagen into the experimental drug called Shift.

These ampoules of clear green fluid are samples of the drug called 'Shift'.
Notable NPCs
The way you shut down 'Shift' has knocked the drug right off the streets. It seems the Family felt it was a little to hot to move, and now none of the other street gangs are touching the stuff after you took such decisive action. I'll make sure that all of the samples you took go to right people, just in case the Lost find a new distributor.