Mission:Common - Talk to the Skyway City Security Chief
Talk to the Skyway City Security Chief (13-14)
Talk to Security Chief
The Trolls are rampaging again! The Security Chief asked for you by name. Find him, and get your assignment.
Mission Acceptance
These rampages are happening more and more. Something has to be done!
Unnecessary Solicitation
Don't let the Security Chief down, Character.
Mission Objective(s)
- Talk to Security Chief
Take this and get on the streets immediately. Stop those Trolls! They've caused a lot of havoc in Vista Plaza and the Astral District.

Back in the 1970's, there was a huge drive to create highways to relieve congestion in the city. No one would need to drive on the surface streets - instead, we would drive above them! So the city started building high spanning bridges everywhere, and Skyway City quickly turned into one big highway in the sky. Now this zone is home to a street gang that likes to camp out underneath bridges: the Trolls. These are thugs who've mutated, thanks to taking a bit too much Superadine. But watch out; the drug has given many of them inhuman strength and resistance.
Stop rampage in Skyway City
Unnecessary Solicitation
Deal with the Trolls for Security!
Mission Objective(s)
- Stop rampage in Skyway City
- Defeat 10 Trolls
You have stopped the rampage.
Good job today. There must be some link between Superadine and these rampages. The Trolls need to be cut off from their supply.