Mission:Crimson - Stop the Malta Group raid on the Crey science facility
Stop the Malta Group raid on the Crey science facility
Note: This is usually the first mission you will receive from Crimson.
If you've worked with me before, Character, you know the ground rules, but I'm going to take a minute out and repeat them, just in case. You are not working for me, you are working with me. This is an important distinction, because it bases our working relationship on trust and mutual benefit. I will never send you to do anything distasteful or wrong, and in exchange I ask that you respect that the sources of my information are confidential. I will never steer you wrong, but I am under no obligation to tell you what's going on or how I know about it. That doesn't mean that I won't, but sometimes that's how this kind of work need to happen.
All of that said, I have just a situation right now that needs to be taken care of. Malta Group operatives are up to something nasty in a Crey science facility, and it wouldn't be a good idea to let them finish that raid.
Mission Acceptance
Crey and Malta may work together from time to time, but that does not make them friends. They just often have similar ends they wish to achieve, and see the other as a good means toward it. So this kind of thing isn't that uncommon. Your goal is to find out what Malta wanted and to defeat any and all opposition at that location. I trust that you can handle this. When you're done, meet with Indigo in person. She may have some information for you.
Defeat all Malta in lab
Unnecessary Solicitation
Your goal is to find out what Malta wanted in that Crey lab, and to defeat any and all opposition at that location.
Mission Objective(s)
Though the high tech machines and computers of this lab all hum with power, the entire lab is deathly quiet.
- Defeat all Malta in lab
- Discover Malta goals
- Find the Key
You stopped the Malta Group raid and discovered their objectives.
Notable NPCs
- Circuit Red Alpha (Gunslinger)

You found the bodies of the Crey scientists who had been slain in an execution-like style by agents of the Malta Group. These men will never be able to tell anyone what the Malta Group wanted.

After you rescued him from an imminent execution at the hands of Malta Group agents, a Crey researcher told you:
'They came in here with fake paperwork, and we didn't know what to think. Fergusun thought they might be government types here to check our security. Then they rounded everyone up, and just shot anyone who didn't cooperate, and had deadly robots that killed the protectors we had as guards. I'm smart enough to know how to survive, I helped them with whatever they asked.
'They were after our Revenants. I guess it doesn't matter now, but this lab, it is, or it was, part of the Revenant Hero Project. We had dozens of blanks stored, hundreds of tissue samples, full templating apparatus and dozens of para-personalities ready for use. They took it all, then they started killing everyone, whether we'd helped or not. I think I'm the last one left.
'I don't care if you know all of that, Character. I'll go to jail willingly. I'm smart enough to know when not to be trouble.'
Meet with Indigo
Unnecessary Solicitation
Indigo has some information for you, but she's not going to say anything in an unsecured mode. Meet with her in person to get all the information.
Mission Objective(s)
- Meet with Indigo
Good to see you, Character. Crimson alerted me to what's going on. Malta Group operatives shipped several shipments of equipment out of that lab before you arrived. I was able to pull some strings and had the police stop all the trucks leaving the city, so at the very least our 'friends' didn't get away with any blank Crey Revenants. However, there's a lot that's still missing, including genetic profiles on hundreds of heroes, stored para-personality templates, and all kinds of things. Fortunately, we got a lucky break. An informant from within Malta has contacted someone in my network, saying he knows where the rest of the stolen Revenant Hero technology is. Unfortunately, I think our informant is about to get taken out by the Knives of Artemis. I need you to find the Malta informant before the Knives can finish him off. You'll have to take the Light Rail to the meet.
The idea of our 'friends' being able to mass produce super humans scares me, Character. I'd hate to see what they could do with that kind of power.
Meet the Informant
Unnecessary Solicitation
Like Indigo told you, this informant could have all that we need to shut down Malta's operation before they can even start producing duplicate mega-humans for their own agenda. Finding that informant is your only goal.
Mission Objective(s)
The coastal wilderness near Paragon City seems like a strange place to meet a covert operative, but the apparent unlikeliness of the location may be the best reason for it.
- Meet the Informant
- Find the informant
You got the information you needed from the Malta Group informant.
Notable NPCs
- Malta informant (Captive)

After you rescued him from the Knives of Artemis, the Malta Group informant told you:
'I'll give you the location of where Malta's setting up the Revenant Hero Project, as long as you can take it out. They had a lab all ready and waiting to go once the assault team had captured the equipment.
'The higher-ups like the idea of being able to use the Countess' technology to make an army of duplicate meta-humans. I won't give you some sob story about how I'm a good person in a bad situation, but I'm a least smart enough to realize that if the top brass could whip up a meta-human army from scratch, then they're not going to need us anymore. We'd all instantly go from assets to liabilities, and I think you can guess what would happen to us next. I'm not helping you. I'm trying to save myself.
'I'd try to tell you that it's not a trap, but you'd have no reason to believe me. So, take it or leave it.'
Defeat all Malta in lab
Unnecessary Solicitation
You have the information, you have the location. All you need to do now is go in there, defeat any opposition, and destroy all the equipment and technology that the Malta Group has acquired.
Mission Objective(s)
This hidden lab beneath the city streets is filled with stolen Crey equipment.
- Defeat all Malta in lab
- 3 Revenant Project items to destroy
You raided the Malta lab and put a final end to the Revenant Hero Project.
Notable NPCs
- Circuit Red Omega (Gunslinger)
- Crate of Revenant Hero parts x 3 (destructible object)
Closure is a difficult thing to find in any business, Character, so you should enjoy it when you can. That Crey scientist has plea bargained his testimony for a reduced sentence, but I'll have someone watching him, just in case.
Indigo is working on bringing the Malta informant out of the cold and onto our side. Don't know how that will go, but she likes to have faith in people. It's an endearing quality of her personality.
Most importantly, The Revenant Hero project is finally over. You just filled in the grave and put flowers on the tombstone. Like I said, closure can be hard to find. Take a minute out and enjoy it.
It's interesting to think about how ferociously all of those people fought for control of the Revenant program. Now, I can see the tactical appeal of having disposable superhumans to do all of your dirty work, but I believe that if you're not willing to risk you life or what you hold dear to accomplish your goal, then maybe you should re-think what you really want. Power, control, security, all of those are just fancy ways of saying that you're afraid, and you want to not be afraid anymore. People will do a lot to avoid fear, even become the monsters they're afraid of.
I suppose I also believe, as Abraham Lincoln said, that 'As I would not be a slave, so would I not be a master.'