Mission:Destroying the Destroyers - Part One: Skeletons
Part One: Skeletons
So, um, you remember all that stuff with the Destroyers? They've been acting kinda weird lately. Like they've got a direction of a kind, definitely a direction. Usually they just smash random things up, but now they're much more direct. Um, weird thing too, is that after you took down Reese, we caught a bunch of the Destroyers making a line for one of the tech facilities here in Imperial. This place, it's like, one of those places that stores a lot of information, you know? Mr. G and Praetor Sinclair always tell me how the best kept secrets are in there.
So! Here's my proposal, Character! We can stop those Destroyers, and by we I mean you, and get to the bottom of who exactly is giving them this direction. I've got a feeling that this person is the Destroyers' true leader.
- Taking them down would mean eliminating all the Destroyers.
That's right! Can you imagine that? People would never forget you for that! Sure, taking down a few Destroyers is good, people like that. Sure, they like that. But being able to say, 'I put an end to the Destroyers'? Wow! That would be something else entirely! Up there with Praetor Sinclair and even Emperor Cole! Why, you could do whatever you want at that point, whatever you want! I'm getting a little excited, but that's just because of this opportunity.
Here's the location of the lab. This is going to be big, Character, very big!
Unnecessary Solicitation
No time to sit around and chat, Character!
Mission Objective(s)
The Destroyers have made a complete mess of this place. You'll need to bring back some semblance of order before you can retrieve the files here.
- Retrieve information from the Destroyer rampage
- Re-activate the emergency system
- Take down Big Bad Man
- Recover the data files
You've found some interesting information about Praetor White and the Destroyers.
Notable NPCs
- Big Bad Man (Destroyers Big Dog)

You found a file that had a label 'CONFIDENTIAL' on it. You open it up and read through it...
Praetor Michael White and the Destroyers
We have records to believe that Praetor White is secretly funding a group of Destroyers within Nova Praetoria with Fixadine. An interesting note is that Praetor White was not the one to originally give them the Fixadine that drives them into a rage; he is simply using the drug to maintain a constant state of competition between the PPD and Powers Division, believing that it will make all of Praetoria stronger.
We have strong reason to believe that many of older Destroyers were actually part of Praetor White's former gang. These were the men that fought alongside him during the Hamidon Wars. Afterwards, they were cast aside by White, who joined Cole's guard.
This information is highly confidential and should not be released to the public.
What did you find, Character?
Wow! This is shocking! I never would've guessed that the Destroyers were part of Praetor White's old gang. This makes total sense! Well, um, sort of. One part seems weird. he's not giving them the Fixadine! Er, well, he is, but he didn't give it to them originally. What do you think that means? And does this whole thing mean that Praetor White is the one directing the Destroyers here in Imperial?
This is all getting really intense, Character! Here, take my cellphone number, you can contact me at any time with this, any time.