Mission:Destroying the Destroyers - Part Three: Seeing what She Started
Part Three:Seeing what She Started
Those Destroyers, they're, uhm, so predictable, you know? Not like you, or me, or Praetor Sinclair. Mr. G gave me some prime information on the Destroyer movements, prime information. After you took out their main lab in Nova Praetoria, a bunch made a straight line for some of the old tunnels in Imperial City. Seems weird, don't you think?. Almost like they either knew it existed or someone told them to go there. I've got the location right here, Character. I think this lead right here is gonna get us the information we need: the identity of the true leader of the Destroyers!
- I'll see what I can find down there.
Great! perfect! You'll wanna blow up anything you find down there, of course. But most importantly, you need to get any information on the Destroyer leader. I bet it's going to be real juicy and not something boring, like, 'Oh, it was random person A who was the leader all along'. That would be very unfortunate.
Unnecessary Solicitation
You should be careful about breathing the fumes in that lab.
Mission Objective(s)
The smell of Fixadine in these tunnels is almost ten times as strong as the one in Nova. You've definitely found the center of the Destroyers' Fixadine.
- Destroy the main Fixadine lab in Imperial City
- Destroy the front lab
- Destroy the middle lab
- 4 bombs to arm to destroy the main lab
- Take down the Destroyer Ring Leader
You've learned a surprising secret - Praetor Duncan was the one behind the Destroyers all this time!
Notable NPCs
- Red Hound (Destroyers Big Dog)
- Teeth Breaker (Destroyers Big Dog)

You defeated Teeth Breaker and found a folder on him; an event which was odd, given that Destroyers don't normally carry folders. Looking through it, you find it lists dates of deliveries for Fixadine in various areas of Imperial City. It seems Teeth Breaker was the main dealer in the city. You keep reading and find a very interesting note...
I need you to make sure little Michael doesn't catch wind of your operations here in Imperial. If he does, why, I'll just have to remove your little stash myself. I know you enjoy trying to act like you're in control, but you're not. I run things here, and if you boys turn out to be more trouble than you're worth, I'll just cut you loose and play with something else. Remember, I took you in when Michael threw you away, made you stronger with my little chemical. I made you who you are today. Don't you ever forget that. Ta ta!
<3 Duncan
You wonder just how much more incriminating this note could be of Praetor Duncan's involvement with the Destroyers.
Character, what did you find?
Ohmygodwhat?! Praetor Duncan is the leader of the Destroyers? She was the one who was directing them all this time in Imperial? This is, wow, uhm, this is some crazy stuff, Character, crazy stuff! We always knew that outside of her public persona she was pretty twisted, but this is something else! Do you realize how big you're going to become, Character, once you reveal this to the public? Oh, this is going to be huge! I can see the headlines now 'Character reveals Praetor Duncan's operations, Cole debates making Character a new Praetor!'
We've gotta get on this and fast. Duncan is going to know that we know about her operations. There's no time to lose!