Mission:Devil Take the Hindmost - Part Two: A Sound in the East
Part Two: A Sound in the East

Even though the mission states that defeating Heracles units is optional, the mission will progress faster if you just kill them first.
The lovely Ms. Kayumanis has agreed to assemble your allies aboard the U.S.S. Mitscher. They await your pleasure, Character.
- I'll head out to them, then.
Socrates smiles broadly at you.
To think that the searching is finally over... and soon, we will have possession of enough power to establish dominion over the world! Truly, you are an inspiration to me, Character. I am glad that the Warriors are able to call you 'ally'.
Unnecessary Solicitation
A good leader knows when to wait, Character, but... if I may be so bold, I do not think this is one of those times. We are closer than ever to finding Pandora's Box, but we do not have it yet. Time is still of the essence.
Mission Objective(s)
Your sub met up with the Mitscher surprisingly close to the Isles. Lastri must be planning something already.
- Establish a Plan of Action
- Talk to Lastri
- Leave the USS Mitscher
- Take the Flyer to downtown Talos.
- Cause as much destruction as possible (optional)
- 3 Heracles units to destroy
- Defeat Penelope Yin
You've taken down Penelope Yin and drawn the attention of your rivals toward your actions in Talos Island.
Notable NPCs
- Captain Castillo (Sky Raiders Archvillain, Ally)
- Dillo (Shining Stars Boss, Enemy)
- Grym (Shining Stars Boss, Enemy)
- Lieutenant Harriman (Sky Raiders Wing Raider Boss, Ally)
- James Harvan (Oxford Professor, Civilian)
- Lastri Kayumanis (The Cottus Consortium, Civilian)
- Luminary (The Cottus Consortium, Civilian)
- Odysseus (Warriors Boss, Ally)
- Twinshot (Shining Stars Boss, Enemy)
- Penelope Yin (Freedom Phalanx Boss)
Harvan's eyes are wide, as he repeatedly attempts to suppress a grin.
We are on the verge of an amazing breakthrough, Character. I have to say, I never imagined I would come this close to finding Pandora's Box... especially not this early in my career! Hah-ha!
Oh, I'm so excited. I can't wait to rub this in Dr. Bell's face. Can you believe that she had the temerity to claim that Pandora's Box was actually a jar? It boggles the mind what kinds of intellectual gymnastics were required to reach that sort of conclusion. Why, just a few years ago I was working on a site in Macedonia...
Harvan seems to be lost in his own ramblings.
- Leave
Character. Fantastic work on the Box's location. Harvan's proved to be quite the asset, hasn't he?
- So far, yes. Thanks for the referral.
Well, that's actually what I wanted to talk to you about.
Odysseus leans in close, and begins to speak under his breath.
There's something about his story that doesn't quite add up, Character. Harvan's well-known in his field, but his father is a mystery to me.
I did some digging, but what I've found has been sparse at best. I uncovered some official stuff - birth certificate, records of his time at Oxford, things like that. But beyond those, there's nothing. No mentions of an Isaiah Harvan in any trade publications or published works, no photos, no wedding announcements... Character, I couldn't even find an obituary for the guy.
- So, what's your theory?
I don't know, Character. All I know is that something about Harvan doesn't add up. If his father's work was as groundbreaking as he claims, you'd think there would be some written evidence of that.
Look, he sent you into that office to find out what happened to his father, right? He said it was related to his disappearance? So, did you find anything related to Isaiah Harvan while you were there?
- Well... no.
Yeah. I didn't think so.
Harvan's useful, and he's gotten us this far. I'm just saying... we need to keep an eye on him. There's more to him than he's letting on, and I don't like it.
- Noted. Thanks for the warning.
Lieutenant Harriman nods to you respectfully, then turns his attention back to his duties.
- Leave
Character! I am most pleased that you and I will once again be side by side on the field of battle! Our combined capabilities will become truly magnificent, yes?
- Looking forward to it, Castillo.
Good to see you again, sir. Doctor Harvan has given me the gist of your findings.
I believe that we currently have an information advantage over Arachnos, and any other parties interested in Pandora's Box. If we're going to press that advantage, immediate action must be taken.
- What did you have in mind?
Our primary goal is to enter Zigursky prison, and to acquire Pandora's Box. However, there are secondary considerations that must be taken into account. Zigursky is well-fortified, and any overt actions in Brickstown would immediately tip off our rivals that there is something of interest in that area.
Furthermore, there are organizations, such as Longbow or the Freedom Phalanx, that have significantly easier access to the facility than we do. If an armed intrusion into Zigursky became prolonged, local authorities would have the chance to bypass Zigursky's security and beat us to the Box.
For these reasons, I recommend against a frontal assault. However...
Lastri smiles, tapping her notebook with her pen.
There are other ways of gaining access to a prison.
- What, exactly, are you suggesting?
A diversionary attack. We focus our efforts on a location we know is unrelated to Pandora's Box. If that location is also within Paragon City limits, we achieve two aims at once: we divert the attention of our rivals, while also establishing you as a high-profile threat in Paragon.
If you were then to... 'turn yourself in...'
- I like it. How do we proceed?
Preparations have already been made, sir. My employer has offered his assistance in bypassing the War Walls around Talos Island, and I've made sure the local PPD branch has been tipped off. They're prepared for an incursion.
We'll need to hit them hard, and cause as much destruction as we can. If you can break their strongest lines of defense, it should prompt a more serious response.
I suggest that a small force, consisting of you, Captain Castillo, and Mr. Hill would be appropriate. It's already well-known that you're working together to find Pandora's Box, and all three of you are individually powerful enough to warrant incarceration in Zigursky.
- What about Mako? Have we gotten a response from him?
Captain Mako is maintaining his post, for now. He has neither confirmed nor denied his interest in becoming a part of your organization. However...
Lastri tries, and fails, to suppress a grin.
He did send us a token of his... 'goodwill'.
- And what would that be?
I'm sure you'll want to see for yourself, sir / ma'am. We picked it up on our way here... you'll find it on the outer deck.
- Okay... I guess I'll go check it out, then.
After defeating the first Heracles unit:
Socrates beams at you.
Ha ha! Fantastic showing, Character!
My only regret is that I was not present during the grand battle. There is nothing quite so sweet as that final blow, watching your enemy fall before you. To take down a member of the Freedom Phalanx, hah!
Truly a badge of honor. I hope that I, too, may one day claim the same.