Mission:Dirty Work - Part One: Dirty Politics

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Part One: Dirty Politics


A look of relief washes over Shauna's face. She lets out a sigh and starts to talk in a shaking voice.

My father's apartment building burned down a year ago. The Blackwood Tower fire - did you hear about it? Worst of all, they said he was the one who started the fire! That a grease fire in his apartment got out of control and burned the whole place down. But, Character, in the twenty-five years I've been alive, my dad was the safest cook I've ever met. I never saw so much as a splatter of spaghetti sauce on the stove, much less a fire.

Shauna's voice starts to crack as she recalls the memories of her father's cooking. She pauses for a moment and takes a deep breath.

They wanted to tear down the apartment building and redevelop it, 'cause it was low-income housing. My father was loudly against it. He organized protests, handed out flyers, called council members... the works. In the end, only one person voted for the plan...

Councilman Matthew Stone. I'm sure he's involved somehow. He must have wanted the redevelopment to happen, I just don't know why. I just need to find enough pieces to finish the puzzle.

  • I'll look into it.

Thank you, Character. I've been waiting a year for someone to listen to me. No one else would. My dad was a good man. He raised me all alone after my mother left. I never even knew her, but he gave me so much love that I didn't miss having a mom. He wouldn't even hurt a fly... but they killed him, like he wasn't worth a thing, then dragged his name through the mud.

Stone shares an office builing with a lot of other local politicians. You can probably find something there if you look around. Take my cell number; call me as soon as you find something.

Unnecessary Solicitation

Look for memos, financial records, anything that might explain why he voted for the redevelopment.

Mission Objective(s)

You arrive at the office building that Councilman Stone uses. Curiously, the Family is crawling all over the place.

  • Investigate the councilman's office
    • Search cabinets and computers

You found numerous memos that stated Stone was planning to vote against the proposal. It seems odd that he suddenly voted for it, instead.


The Family
Internal Memos

These memos, written on the stationery of city Councilman Matthew Stone, detail his opposition to the Blackwood Tower Redevelopment plan. Curiously, he eventually wound up voting in favor of the plan.


So Stone planned on voting against the proposal too? But he suddenly changed his mind... That makes it sound like something caused him to change his mind, doesn't it, Character? And I think I have some idea of why...