Mission:Division: Line - Prevent the Rikti from achieving their aims on an alternate Earth

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Prevent the Rikti from achieving their aims on an alternate Earth


Portal Corporation scientists have monitored an unauthorized interdimensional transit from our world to a nearby alternate Earth. Readings match the dimensional jump technology that the Rikti recently stole from Portal Corporation, but show signs of modification that match some of the changes made to the Portal apparatus recovered after your recent battle with the Rikti on the city streets. I have been authorized by my superiors to request your assistance to prevent the Rikti from achieving their aims on an alternate Earth, whatever those aims may be.

  • Prevent the Rikti from achieving their aims on an alternate Earth

I am uncertain of the Rikti aims. The modifications to their portal generation equipments indicate that they may not be attempting a breakthrough to our home Earth, but may be performing some other operation. It is still important to alter their portal generation equipment to ensure that that world is cut off from the Rikti home Earth.

Unnecessary Solicitation

Though I am uncertain of the Rikti's final objective on that world, it is imperative that you make certain that their portal generation devices are disrupted, cutting that world off from the Rikti's home Earth.

Mission Objective(s)

It looks as though this world has seen more than its share of war

  • Disrupt Rikti portal devices
    • 6 portal devices to adjust

You found the Rikti expedition already badly disrupted



Notable NPCs

  • None
Unknown sabotage

When you examined the Rikti's portal generation devices, you discovered that they had already been sabotaged and disrupted by someone else.


All evidence indicate that the Rikti's portal devices had been tampered with before you even arrived. That, in combination with another outbreak of inter-Rikti violence points to the possibility that the Rikti are undergoing an internal schism. I am going to speak with some of my own sources, Character. Perhaps I can uncover more.