Mission:Fireball - Counter-counter Spell

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Counter-counter Spell

Mission Briefing

Worst case scenario, Character. You know that we on the Arcane Council are all part of the Animus Arcana, the living spells here in Night Ward and other planes. Spells that have sentience, even intelligence. Well, all spells can attain this status and do, eventually. One spell in particular is very bad for the rest of us when this happens. That is Dispel Magic.

Dispel Magic is an aberration. He destroys, literally, any magic he touches. He's also kind of an ass, and thinks he's better than the rest of us because of this. We have only one choice left for our own well-being, take him out.

  • I can deal with Dispel Magic for you.

Oh, I bet you can. You can't do it alone though. Taking him out with your normal powers will just cause him to come back, maybe even come back as a crazy powerful Fracture which would be like a 17 on the Very Bad scale. You're gonna need some help. You should talk Counter Spell into going with you. Combined I bet you can take him out for good, Final Death him and bump him back down to a Zygote.

See Counter Spell

Unnecessary Solicitation

You need to talk to Counter Spell to figure out how to take out Dispel Magic.

Counter Spell

What do YOU want?

(If NOT Magic Origin)

  • I need your help in taking down Dispel Magic.

Oh I see. This whole council shuns me, avoids me because of what I am, what I do. I counter spells. Now they think they can just call on me when they need me?

  • Yes, they need you. I need you. You are scary because of what you do. You can't blame them.
I guess you are right, but I need you to prove that you have what it takes to fight by my side. I need you to go out and take down 7 rogue Animus Arcana. Show you can take out spells and I will help you take out Dispel Magic.
  • I will do this task for you, then return.
  • Stuff it. You need to help and you know it.
+++ Missing Information +++
  • You want the Arcane Council to respect you? Do this for them.
I guess you are right, but I need you to prove that you have what it takes to fight by my side. I need you to go out and take down 7 rogue Animus Arcana. Show you can take out spells and I will help you take out Dispel Magic.
  • I will do this task for you, then return.

(If Magic Origin)

  • I need to take down Dispel magic, but I can't do it alone.

You can't do it alone, now can you. He'd shut down every spell and magic dingus you have at your disposal. Nothing would work. But, they don't call me Counter Spell for nothing. I know the counter to everything. I can help you, but first you need to help me.

  • What task do you require, oh mighty Counter Spell?
+++ Missing Information +++
  • Since I need your help with Dispel Magic, I will do your task. What is it?
Prove your worth by destroying 7 rogue Animus Arcana here in Night Ward. Taking them out will show me I am not playing with a lightweight and that together we can get the job done.
  • I will do this task for you, then return.
  • Then we can work together? Great. What is it that you need done?
+++ Missing Information +++

Defeat 7 Animus Arcana

Unnecessary Solicitation

Counter Spell wanted what? I guess you should do that then, if we want to take out Dispel Magic.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Defeat 7 Animus Arcana
    • X Animus Arcana remaining to defeat

You have done what Counter Spell asked of you.


Animus Arcana

Return to Counter Spell

Unnecessary Solicitation

Have you got Counter Spell to agree to help you yet?

Counter Spell

Ok, you are as powerful as everyone says you are. Now, in order for me to help you I am going to need help from another Animus: Rejuvenate. Get him to make sure I come through this and we have a solid deal.

  • Leave.

Go see Rejuvenate

Unnecessary Solicitation

You should talk to Rejuvenate.


Again with the healing. Sometimes I feel like no one respects me until they need me. It's a trait I share with Counter Spell. Since this is for him, I think I will do it if you do me a favor first. The Drudges are the bane of a spell-like-me's existence. Take out 7 of them and you have my loyalty and my help with Counter Spell and you taking on Dispel Magic.

  • Leave

Defeat 7 Drudges

Unnecessary Solicitation

Rejuvenate gave you a task, do it!

Mission Objective(s)

  • Defeat 7 Drudges
    • X Drudges to go

With the Drudges defeated, you now have Rejuvenate's help.



Return to Rejuvenate

Unnecessary Solicitation

You should talk to Rejuvenate.


Excellent work! I will make sure I cover Counter with a healing spell when you take on Dispel Magic.

  • Leave

Take down Dispel Magic

Unnecessary Solicitation

I see you have everything in order, time to take out Dispel Magic I think.

Mission Objective(s)

This is it, time to confront Dispel Magic.

  • Take down Dispell Magic
    • Defeat Dispell Magic
    • Talk to Counter Spell

You defeated Dispel Magic!

Counter Spell

You ready for this, Character?

  • I am ready, let's do this together.

Rejuvenate put a healing spell on me, so you shouldn't need to worry about my safety.

  • Done


Animus Arcana
The Black Knights

Notable NPCs

  • Counter Spell (Animus Arcana Ally)
  • Dispel Magic (Animus Arcana Elite Boss)

Return to Counter Spell

Unnecessary Solicitation

Counter Spell wanted to have a final word with you.

Counter Spell

Great job back there. Wasn't sure we were gonna pull it off, but I am happy now that we did. Dispel Magic is a very bad spell to gain Intelligence. We need to make sure we stop them earlier next time.


Fantastic news. We can all relax now that Dispel Magic is a Zygote again. I wouldn't worry about his threats, Zygotes don't remember any part of their previous life. You should be fine.