Mission:First to the Mill - Part Three: Imbalance of Power
Part Three: Imbalance of Power
I have contacted the Phalanx with the results of your discovery. Positron agrees that an investigation into Zigursky is warranted.
Doctor Harvan appears to have expressed an interest in joining you on this expedition, Character. Given his contributions to the search, and his expansive knowledge of the artifact's properties, Positron has assented to Harvan's position.
His only request was that, in order to ensure Doctor Harvan's safety, Fusionette be sent to accompany you as well. Are these conditions acceptable to you, Character?
- That's fine Flashfire. Hopefully we won't encounter too much trouble
Flashfire bows slightly.
Your efforts in this task have been admirable, Character. Soon, this crisis will be averted, and we shall all be able to breathe a little easier.
Unnecessary Solicitation
If you are seeking access to the Zig, I believe that one of the Detectives in Brickstown may be able to help you.
Mission Objective(s)
It's certainly a lot quieter in here than you expected.
- Find Pandora's Box
- Talk to Detective Miller
- Confront Odysseus
- Put down the prison riot
- Talk to Harvan
- Find a way into the prison substructure
- Find Pandora's Box
- Defeat Fusionette!
- Survive the coming onslaught!
Pandora's Box has been opened, with highly unexpected results. Now would be a good time to leave...
Notable NPCs
- Detective Miller (Paragon Police Department Detective)
- Fusionette (Vanguard Shield Hero, Ally)
- Doctor Harvan (Oxford Professor Civilian)
- Odysseus (Warriors Archvillain, Enemy)
As you approach, Detective Miller favors you with a friendly smirk.
Character! Good to see ya. What brings you to our fine precinct? Alien invasion? Rogue wizards? No, no, don't tell me... alien rogue wizards?
- Funny. I need to get inside Zigurksy prison.
Detective Miller's smile fades slowly. He stares at you blankly for a moment.
That's... not exactly the kind of place that has visiting hours, Character. I'm authorized to grant FBSA-licensed Heroes access, but... what business have you got in there?
- I have reason to believe that the structure of the prison has been compromised.
- or
- I'm afraid that's not a question I can answer, Detective. It's sensitive information.
- Detective Miller frowns at you suspiciously.
- Well, alright then.
- In most cases, there'd be procedures you'd need to go through in order to get approved, but I know you've been working with the Phalanx lately. If Positron thinks you're on the up-and-up, then who am I to judge, eh?
- Still, you can't just walk right in. We've got procedures in place to prevent security breaches. Get your people together. I'll patch in to the Zig, set up a convoy for you. It'll get you there quick enough.
- Thanks, Detective. I'm ready whenever you are. (Start Mission)
Welcome to the Zig, Character. Please be advised that any direct interaction with inmates needs to be supervised by... huh...
Detective Miller looks around, his brow furrowed.
Well, now... that's a bit odd...
- Doesn't security here seem a bit... light?
Odysseus grins at you venemously.
Welcome, Character. I was wondering if you'd catch on. The way things were going, I thought we were going to reach Pandora's Box right under your noses, with you being none the wiser.
I guess you're just a bit smarter than we took you for.
- Since when do you work with the Sky Raiders?
- Odysseus shrugs nonchalantly.
- Captain Castillo and I have a... mutual friend, let's just say. We're working together, for now, because we've discovered that we can accomplish more as a combined force than otherwise. That's all you need to know.
- You know, Character, when you first arrived at Talos, I was worried. I thought that, given your reputation, our plan might have unraveled right there on the spot. But no, you played right into our hands. I'm still amazed that you never considered-
- You're stalling, Odysseus. Why?
- Odysseus breaks into a soft chuckle.
- Oh, you are good. Still, I'm surprised you haven't noticed yet.
- Zigursky is a special place, Character. Anyone stronger than your average street thug becomes significantly weaker in here. Fancy tech, magic spells, even higher-than-average strength and speed are... 'capped' while you're doing time.
- And it doesn't discriminate. The moment you stepped through these walls, your powers have been slowly draining from you. And as you can see...
- Odysseus gestures behind him.
- We have the numbers advantage. So... how are you feeling, Character?
- Hm. I don't feel any different, actually.
BriefingActually, according to my theories, the manipulative effects of the Antikythera are capable of not only detecting, but also bending the streams of power emanating from and retracting towards Pandora's Box. Anyone with possession of the Antikythera would be mostly unaffected by power alterations caused by the Box, for as long as they keep the Antikythera nearby. In short, I believe that you are immune to the power-draining effects of this prison, Character.
- I see.
- Upon hearing Doctor Harvan's words, Odysseus begins to sweat profusely.
- That's not... but...
- You're bluffing! I don't buy it! You think we'd fall for something so crass, Character? You underestimate me!
- Odysseus turns his attention to the gathered inmates behind him.
- It's time, boys! Take them all down, but leave the old man alive! He might still be useful!
- You're full of poor choices these days, Odysseus.
- Sorry to ruin your 'master plan', if you could call it that.
- Oh, come now. There's no need to get snappy. We're on opposite sides of this conflict, certainly... and I'm sure we each have our own reasons for seeking out Pandora's Box. But I think we can all remain civil here, can't we? I can honestly say that I respect you, Character. You've got... conviction. A man / woman of your caliber, capable of taking whatever you want from those beneath you, and yet you still insist on fighting for-
- You're stalling, Odysseus. Why?
- This selection loops to another branch of this conversation which is already documented.
Harvan appears slightly paler than usual, after witnessing the carnage of the previous battle. He removes his hat, and rubs the top of his head nervously.
Well. That was... certainly interesting. I suppose it's those kinds of decisions that got them in here in the first place.
- Please focus, Doctor. We're here for the Box.
Yes, yes, of course. Based on the blueprints you discovered, I would expect that Pandora's Box would be stored somewhere underneath the main facility. I doubt we'll find any direct or obvious access points, given that this may well have been the best-kept secret in the history of Paragon City.
I'll take a look around the area, see if I can line up the layouts with these blueprints. Er, that is...
Harvan glances around nervously.
If it's safe...
- I've cleared the area, Doctor. It should be fine.

James Harvan: Can it be... after all these years...
Fusionette: Augh!
Fusionette: This feeling... so strange...
Fusionette: The power is... overflowing! I can't control it!
Fusionette: Mine... the power should be MINE!
Fusionette defeated

James Harvan: The Box... Pandora's Box is causing this.
James Harvan: I have to stop it!
James Harvan: Hrrrrgh!
James Harvan: Augh!
James Harvan: I... I don't understand...
Flashfire's face has taken on a slightly sickly color. He does not appear well.
Oh dear... oh dear. This is not a good development, Character, not at all.
If someone had found Pandora's Box first, we would be dealing with a very powerful foe. It would have been bad, but... manageable. Paragon has weathered threats of that nature before. But this...
This is something else entirely, Character. Power manifest, running rampant throughout the city? Throughout the world? It could be utter chaos... simply unfathomable.
Flashfire swallows hard, and he stares at you, determined.
This cannot be left to stand, Character. We must do something to fix this. Many, many lives are at stake.