Mission:Forever Bound (Villain) - Part I: The Third Party
Part I: The Third Party
Character. My name is Vladimir Zolner. I am contacting you on this day to develop working relationship. Allow me to explain, if you will.
I am known as man who has much information about goings-ons in Rogue Isles. There is group that decided to come to me for informations regarding Midnighter Club, organization known for their magic experience. Group that came to me called themselves Rulu-Shin. They are cultists who seek destruction of world by releasing omnipotent entity called Rularuu.
I refused to give them information on how to enter Midnighter Club, so group destroyed my home and took information on how to get in there.
Now, you see why we are talking at this moment. I want to suggest you and I work together. Rulu-Shin intend to steal everything from Midnighters; I suggest you steal from Rulu-Shin and Midnighters. I get petty satisfaction and revenge, you get lots of magic artifacts. What you say?
- Agree to form a strike force
Excellent. I believe you and I will have excellent working relationship. Let me fill you in on important details.
As we speak, Rulu-Shin are mounting attack on Midnighter Club. Club normally is very difficult to enter, but Rulu-Shin use secret entrance located here in Sharkhead Isle to get in.
I will paint it out for you to use. Midnighter Club has special vault where they keep valuable artifacts. That will be where you can find Rulu-Shin. Most likely, they are trying to steal all artifacts and kill anyone they see.
You and I, not caring much about what happens to Midnighters, yes? Most important thing is to beat Rulu-Shin to proverbial punch. I suggest you get moving now before Rulu-Shin make off with everything.
Unnecessary Solicitation
Rulu-Shin have very detailed information that I made, I would take them very seriously.
Mission Objective(s)
The sound of combat fills the old halls of the Midnighters Club. The Rulu-Shin attack is underway!
- Rob the Midnighters before the Rulu-Shin
- Steal whatever is left in the Midnighter's main room
- Take care of the thieves inside the Midnighter vault
- Investigate the remaining item
You were too late to steal much from the Midnighters, but you might have a lead as to where the Rulu-Shin are keeping their items.
Notable NPCs
- Montague Castanella (Midnight Squad Hero)
- Mercedes Sheldon (Midnight Squad Rogue)
- Kadabra Kill (Generic Heroes Hero)
- Sigil (Generic Heroes Hero)
You found some odd items within the chest!

You find a tablet within a Midnighter chest. The tablet has a label, 'CIMERORA' on it. There are various inscriptions in an unknown language on the tablet. To the side are more notes, which seem to be suggestions as to what it means.
I think this tablet is talking about some sort of pact made between Imperious, a leader of Cimeroran society, and Sister Airlia. I'm not sure if I'm right, though. She's supposed to be an outcast from the community, so why would Imperious be making a pact with her...? There are supposedly other tablets that indicate what happened afterwards, so maybe they'll reveal what this is all about.'
You've stopped the Rulu-Shin thieves and recovered another artifact they stole.

You find on one of the Rulu-Shin thieves a list of artifacts. The list seems to be divided into two parts. The first list has the word, 'FEED' on it, the second has the word, 'UTILIZE'. The latter list has only three items on it. One is a person's name, Tommy Arcanus, the other is an artifact that is called 'Power Intensifier', and the final is an item called the Dirge of Chaos. There is a small explanation regarding the effects of the second artifact.
'Power Intensifier - Useful to the cause. When used properly, it can highten one's power to higher levels. However, when used on someone who is not in control of their powers, it can cause dangerous results.'
You look over the display case to see most of it has been ransacked, save for a baseball cap, which seems to now be speaking to you.
I can't tell who is there, but I know you're not Rulu-Shin, those fellas have a very distinct aura.
Name's Tommy Arcanus, good to meetcha! Well, sort of. This item is bound to me, so I can communicate through it, psychically and all that. Neat stuff.
Anyway, I'm assuming a buncha the Midnighters are dealing with the Rulu-Shin, so they may have not figured out that I have gone missing.
Think I could trouble you to do some rescue work for me? These cultists tossed me in with all the other artifacts that they stole from the Midnighters.
This Tommy Arcanus seems to think that you're here on his side. If you play along, you can see if you can use him to steal the other items from the Midnighters!
- ...-Sure-, Tommy. Think you can help me find their location?
I can do my best, but I'm totally blindfolded.
All I know is that I keep hearing them say something about meeting in Sharkhead Isle. It looks like they use one of the graveyards there as some sort of area of worship.
Beats me. So! You wanna get this rescue going or what?
- Can you give me more information?
A loud CRASH is heard behind you before Tommy Arcanus can say anything else!
- (Look over)
Hrm, it seems Rulu-Shin are faster than I would have thought. That is fine, however. We have plenty to work with to find them.
I think you and I may have stumbled into what they call 'jackpot'. You spoke to mane named Tommy Arcanus, correct? He is father of heroine called Numina. It would appear Rulu-Shin have kidnapped him, along with several artifacts.
I do not know what they want with father of Numina, but I believe we can make this work to our advantage, yes? We track down Rulu-Shin, steal artifact back, then ransom skull to heroes! I do not care for much in the way of pay, myself; I merely wish to see Rulu-Shin plot stopped. All money will go to you, all personal satisfaction to me. Feel free to be satisfied yourself, however. Just know that I will do what it takes to help you fight Rulu-Shin and get one up over heroes in Paragon.