Mission:Ginger Yates - Save ZenTech from the Devouring Earth
Save ZenTech from the Devouring Earth (35-40)
Character, get over to the ZenTech office complex on the triple! The Devouring Earth are raiding the building, and they're bent on slaughtering the entire work force! I'm sure they aren't happy with ZenTech after the company's recent brush with the EPA. You've got to save ZenTech from the Devouring Earth. Please, don't let those people die!
Mission Acceptance
Thanks, Character. I'll feel easier knowing this situation is in your capable hands.
Stop Devouring Earth raid
Unnecessary Solicitation
Have you been over to ZenTech yet? It's a madhouse! Get over there!
Mission Objective(s)
A huge crash rocks the ceiling above your head. The Devouring Earth are here, and they aren't happy.
- Stop Devouring Earth raid
- 5 researchers to save
You found a strange packet of organic material on one of the creatures. You call your contact and receive instructions to take it to Jenny Firkins, the hazardous technology expert.

You found this small packet of organic material on a Devouring Earth creature. It is bright green, mushy, and smells like something that has spent too long in the back of the refrigerator.

Even though it isn't a stated mission objective, this mission cannot be completed until all enemies have been defeated.
Notable NPCs
- 5 Researchers (Hostages)
Talk to Jenny Firkins
Unnecesary Solicitation
Has Jenny seen that stuff you found? She can probably tell us a lot about it.
Mission Objective(s)
- Talk to Jenny Firkins
This substance you found may look like a moldy pita pocket, but it's one of the most insidious weapons I've ever seen. It's a neat little packet of cancerous tissue, combined with a catalyst that will force the disease to multiply rapidly in any human host. Of course, without a delivery system, it's totally harmless. I don't see any way for the Devouring Earth to infect a person with this, short of force-feeding it to them. No, what they need is some sort of syringe or other injection system, something to get this tissue directly into the bloodstream. Oh. Oh, no.
There was a Devouring Earth raid on Lawson Pharmaceuticals this morning. Quick, organized, and destructive. Ginger Yates probably would have sent you, but you were already engaged over at ZenTech. I'm beginning to think the ZenTech attack was just a distraction, to keep you occupied while they got what they needed from Lawson Pharmaceuticals. Unless I miss my guess, the Devouring Earth is hard at work producing a stockpile of weapons that can destroy our citizens from the inside out!
Shut down weapons production
Unnecessary Solicitation
If the Devouring Earth starts using those weapons, hundreds of innocents may die! You've no time to waste!
Mission Objective(s)
The walls of this cave are spattered with a thick, green mold. You can't explain why, but you have the sensation of someone watching you.
- Shut down weapons production
- 3 labs to destroy
You stopped the Devouring Earth from producing their cancer-causing weapons.

Even though it isn't a stated mission objective, this mission cannot be completed until all enemies have been defeated.
In a sick way, it's almost poetic. The Devouring Earth view us as a cancer upon the world, so they tried to use cancer to wipe us out. I can't tell you how grateful the city is to you, Character. You may very well have saved every life in Paragon City.