Mission:Hammers of Justice - Concrete Evidence
Concrete Evidence
Network wants to see you. He's found the location of one of the Family's enforcers, 'Concrete' Bill. He seemed rather excited to learn his current location and urges you get to him ASAP.
- I wonder why it's so important all of a sudden?
I don't know. Concrete is a thug, usually guards the Family's money laundering and protection take. He's tough, but if you can take him out we can get our agents to interrogate him and get him to spill the beans on the rest of the Family's operation here in St. Martial.
Unnecessary Solicitation
You need to get us 'Concrete' Bill, ASAP, Character.
Mission Objective(s)
This is the safehouse where Network wanted to meet you.
- Concrete Evidence
- Talk to Network
- Attend to the safe
You dealt with 'Concrete' Bill and the safe, job well done.
Notable NPCs
- "Concrete" Bill (Family Elite Boss)
Ok, Character, our target is holed up in here, so it's a simple whack job. But things are never simple in our line of work.
- I've noticed
Somewhere in this safehouse is a safe containing the protection money paid this week. 'Concrete' Bill isn't the sharpest tool in the shed, and from what I can tell he leaves the safe unlocked when he is in the building, since he can never remember the combination. So if you see the safe, do us both a favor and grab that cash. I won't tell Sgt. Schorr if you don't.
- Let's just say I'll consider it.

Family mobs are always hostile in this mission.

There is a safe here. It is slightly ajar.
- Take some cash for yourself, no one will be the wiser.
- You take some cash.
- Leave
- Shut the safe like an honest citizen would.
- You shut the safe.
- Leave
Our agents found a safe on the premises, completely emptied out... You didn't have anything to do with that did you? Or did Network go in after you were done and take a little for himself? We expect that kind of behavior from Network, but we hope for better from a member like yourself. I really hope you had nothing to do with this.