Mission:Hammers of Justice - Welcome to the Hammers

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Welcome to the Hammers


I can assure you one thing: when this is all over, you will be paid handsomely for your efforts in taking down the scum of the Rogue Isles.

  • Sounds good, where do I sign and how do I get paid?

You'll get paid after we get enough work out of you. In case something happens to you, we don't want to waste our funding in bank accounts that dead men can't access. You understand? You're the last member of the team, but you're also the one I expect to do most of the heavy lifting. I want you to go to this warehouse and meet the other three members of your group: Colleague, Second Measure, and Network.

Unnecessary Solicitation

You need to meet up with the other members of your team.

Mission Objective(s)

File:Map Warehouse 30 Layout 05 03.png
Map: Warehouse_30_Layout_05_03

This warehouse is a weird place to have a meeting.

  • Welcome to the Hammers
    • Talk to Colleague
    • Talk to Second Measure
    • Talk to Network

With introductions out of the way, you can now get down to business.



Notable NPCs

  • Colleague
  • Second Measure
  • Network

You must be the new guy / girl. You can call me Colleague. I've been working for Arachnos ever since I got my powers, but I've finally decided to go straight, much like yourself. If you have any questions I am happy to answer them for you.

  • Why are you going straight?

It started when I had a run-in with Positron. He kicked my ass soundly but saw that my heart wasn't really in the fight. He kinda recruited me there on the spot. I've been sending him info on Arachnos breakthroughs ever since.

  • How did you get recruited?

Positron again. He set me up with Sgt. Schorr from Wyvern, and the Sergeant told me about the group he was putting together. Sgt. Schorr wants us using our connections to various groups before our shifting loyalties are fully exposed. I think it is a solid plan, but what really sold me was the big, fat Hazard-pay style paycheck at the end. This girl's got bills to pay, you know?

  • Anything else?

Just remember who helped you out once this is all over.

  • Leave

Ah, Character, I've been expecting the likes of you. I am Second Measure, as in 'that what follows the first cut.' Any questions?

  • Why are you working for Wyvern?

Two things, first is the money. Second is that I find my life expectancy grows shorter for every assassination I would perform for the Tsoo as a contract killer. I know that eventually they will grow tired of my Westerner ways.

  • How did you get recruited?

I was sent in to kill a high ranking Wyvern official, but when I saw that he was with his wife and kid I... I couldn't go through with it. The official noted my hesitation and put tabs on me. When he saw I was going soft, he put the feelers out to put my talents to better use. I contacted him and he immediately recruited me into the Hammers of Justice.

  • Anything else?

I'll help you against the Tsoo, but they are a fickle bunch. My word might not weigh as much as it used to.

  • Leave

Network rattles off a bounty of information concerning you, about 80% of which you thought no one could know.

  • How did you learn that much about me?

Two words: The Internet. You'd be amazed what a little algorithm can bring up. Folks around here call me Network. I worked as the info-man for the Family here in the Rogue Isles for years. I have so much information on them that I'd be crazy not to try to profit off of it.

  • Profit?

Yeah, the Hammers are willing to pay me to help get their operatives to their targets. Use my insider knowledge before it becomes common knowledge that I sold my loyalties. That sort of thing.

  • Won't you betray all of us to a higher paycheck?

Let's just say there are personal reasons I won't go back to the Family. Now, let's get down to business.

  • Leave


You four make up quite a weird crew, but I'll take it. Let me see if I have any assignments I can throw your way...