Mission:Hit List - Finale: Wolf in a Wool Suit
Finale: Wolf in a Wool Suit
Mrs. Swift has taken her interrogation very well, she's already provided me with some intriguing information, namely that she isn't the only member of the Syndicate in this curious case.
It appears that Charles Monroe and every other CEO on Mr. Bowman's hit list were high ranking Syndicate members, and it just so happens that Mr. Monroe has returned to his office, no doubt to destroy any and all evidence of his involvement. I need you to stop him.
- Stop Monroe
This isn't some corporate scandal we've stumbled onto, Character, this is a Syndicate gang war unfolding right under our noses.
Something's happened in the Syndicate and the blood is spilling into the streets. We need to put a stop to it, but in order to do that, we need to bring Monroe back into custody, or you can be sure that another hit will be ordered and that will endanger innocent lives.
Players who originally chose Resistance now have the opportunity to call up Calvin Scott to inform him of current events. Messages such as this will appear in missions where this is possible. If you originally did not choose to be in the Resistance, you can not do undercover Resistance work in Loyalist missions; you can do undercover work against the Resistance in their missions. Players who change their faction can still do undercover work for the side they originally chose.
Unnecessary Solicitation
You need to hurry. Monroe could be destroying critical evidence or may even be planning to leave the city.
Mission Objective(s)
It looks like Monroe has left a welcoming party just in case you showed up.
- Bring Down Charles Monroe
- Arrest Monroe
You arrested Charles Monroe, a powerful member of the Syndicate. Return to Chief Interrogator Washington for debriefing.
Notable NPCs
- Charles Monroe (Syndicate Suit)
- Charles Monroe is the CEO of Syfotine Industries, but he is much more than that, he's also a powerful member of the shadowy criminal organization known only as the Syndicate. With his secret affiliations revealed, Monroe has no need to hide his powerful psychic abilities any longer.

Character, I apologize for my deception... you must think me a wolf in sheep's clothing...
- You are a monster, Monroe
- I'm not a monster. I'll prove it to you. Allow me to show you what the Syndicate is really about.
- They're about money, pure and simple. (A)
- We are about money, and there is no good reason why some of that can't be yours.
- I'm listening...
- Every man / woman has his / her price. Whatever you want, it's yours. Now let's put this ugly little event behind us.
- Agreed. It has been good doing business with you.
- Then we're in agreement.
- End discussion
- You can't bribe me, Monroe. I'm taking you down.
- So be it.
- Fight
- I don't need you to show me that they are society's worst.
- Not the worst of society, Character, we are its best. I think you would fit in nicely with us up here at the top.
- You want me to join you? (B)
- Think of the power, Character. By joining us your every need will be satisfied. Your dreams, your desires - fulfilled!
- Together we can shape the world to our liking rather than cater to others too impotent to pursue their own dreams.
- ... I'm in. Let's get you out of here.
- Then we're in agreement.
- End discussion
- You're a madman drunk on delusions of his power.
- So be it.
- Fight
- I'll never join you.
- So be it.
- Fight
- Not a wolf, just a common criminal in an expensive suit.
- I AM just a common man in an expensive suit, Character, but my status as a criminal remains solely in your hands.
- What're you getting at?
- We are at a crossroads, my friend / dear. You can arrest me, or you can join with me!
- Think of it, man / lass, what we could accomplish together with my wealth and your power!
- I have to admit, that has a certain allure to it. I accept.
- Then we're in agreement.
- End discussion
- Join you? You're insane! I'm taking you in!
- So be it.
- Fight
- You're as much a wolf as any other man
- We are all wolves, aren't we? Struggling to survive.
- I knew there was something different about you.
- It's no secret that every man has a price.
- Wise words, Character. We do all have a price, so what's yours?
- Power.
- Ah yes, Power... You will have that and more. Join the Syndicate, Character, we could use someone like you.
- You want me to join you?
- This selection loops to another branch of this conversation which is already documented. (B)
- Power for myself, Monroe, not for any other. You're going down.
- So be it.
- Fight
- Money.
- This selection loops to another branch of this conversation which is already documented. (A)
- Something you don't have to offer, Monroe - Loyalty.
- So be it.
- Fight
- You're right, I am different. I can't be bought and sold.
- So be it.
- Fight
If you're working for the Resistance
- (Explain Calvin Scott's plan to Monroe)
- ...!
- Most interesting, Character. This is a possibility that I had not calculated.
- Calculate it after you are taken into custody...
- After I am in custody?
- Surely you jest, my boy / dear. Why would I willingly enter custody at all when I am already about to make my escape. Assuming of course you don't impede my egress.
- I can't let you go. I have to uphold my cover with Washington.
- I can respect your need to maintain an illusion of trust with the Chief Interrogator. But I am uncertain that I can trust you enough to subject myself to that madman's methods of persuasion.
- What guarantee do I have that your friends will come for me?
- Telling Washington of my affiliation would mean the doom of me.
- Very true.
- Well, seeing as how you won't let me leave and my defeat is possible, I aquiesce to your demands.
- Good. So you'll come along quietly?
- Oh, I never said that.
- Fight

Charles Monroe may have gotten away with his ruse long enough to escape death at the hands of his Syndicate rivals, but it wasn't long before you uncovered the truth and you faced down the Syndicate mastermind whose life you'd saved.
Amazing work my friend. You've managed to cage two high ranking members of the Syndicate.
Unfortunately there is still a burning question, and one which I fear may take time to learn the answer to. What has caused The Syndicate to turn on itself?
I trust that Mr. Monroe and Mrs. Swift will provide the answers in time, until then, I believe the bloodshed may have only just begun.
There aren't a lot of people I can trust, Character. Oh, it's as much a personal thing as a symptom of the job. You, however, I feel like I trust.