Mission:Indigo - Frame a despicable person for something he didn't do

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Frame a despicable person for something he didn't do


I've got another job for you, Character. It's a bit mean, but I'd like your help to do some very bad things to a very bad person, by doing bad things to other bad people. It's not the most pleasant mission, but if you're willing, I'd like your help to frame a despicable person for something he didn't do

Mission acceptance

I'm glad you'll help. The person in question is an agent for certain mutual friends of ours. He goes by the code-name Sunset Gold, and made his name killing troublesome heroes fighting criminal cartels in South America. Since he got picked up by Malta, he's been one of their top gunslingers.

He has access to a lot of top secret information, which, unknown to him, we also know. This puts Mr. Sunset in a unique and precarious position. If certain operations that only he knows about were compromised, Malta would be quick to point the finger at him. I'll point you to the first one, a raid on a government lab by the Knives of Artemis. If you can defeat them there, that's the first step.

While you're doing that, Crimson and I will work on our end of things. Crimson will brief you next.

Defeat all Knives in lab

Unnecessary solicitation

Defeat all of the Knives of Artemis in that lab, that will be stage one. Then go talk to Crimson.

Mission Objective(s)

The Knives of Artemis have begun their attack, not knowing that their secret operation has already been compromised.

  • Defeat all Knives in lab
    • 3 lab workers to save

You averted the Knives of Artemis' attacks on the secret government lab, and now need to speak with Crimson.


Knives of Artemis

Notable NPCs

  • Lab worker x 3 (non-escort hostage)

NPC Text

Talk to Crimson

Unnecessary solicitation

You did great on the first park, but there's more to come. Crimson will tell you the next step.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Talk to Crimson


Good job on the first stage, Character. Let me tell you about the next phase. Our friends are planning a little bit of wet work, an assassination. You don't need to know why, the important thing is that it's stopped very visibly. While you're doing that, Indigo and I will be taking our time to make sure that our friends make the connections we want them to make about our pal Sunset.

You concentrate on stopping up that assassination. Indigo and I will take care of our end. Talk to me again when you're done. In person.

Stop the assassination

Unnecessary solicitation

That assassination has to be stopped. Crimson will have another job for you after that.

Mission Objective(s)

This is the location Crimson gave you. Signs of forced entry show that the Malta Group is likely already on the scene.

  • Stop the assassination

You stopped the assassination in time.


Malta Operatives

Notable NPCs

  • Assassination victim (non-escort hostage)

NPC Text


After you exit the mission, you will be ambushed by Malta Operatives.

Meet with Crimson

Unnecessary solicitation

Good work again, but you'll need to speak with Crimson. I think he has one last job for you.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Meet with Crimson


Now it's time for the final play. Sunset Gold is supposed to pick up some important documents at a drop off point. Indigo's set up a little surprise that should delay him. What you need to do is go in there and attempt to get those documents. You won't have a lot of time, maybe an hour, but it doesn't matter if you succeed or fail, just that you try. Meanwhile, I'll finish things up on our end.

By the time this is done, either we'll have the documents and Malta's board will think that Sunset's going to sell them to the top bidder, or he'll have them, but they'll think he's going to cut and run. Best of all, either way you have a decent cover story for any operation you've taken or will take against Malta Group assets. That's what we calll 'Deniability'. And it all gets pinned on Sunset Gold.

Oh, and don't feel bad for ol' Sunset Gold. That low-down bushwackin' traitor lost any claim on sympathy five years ago in Columbia, when he buried one friend of mine too many.

Try to get Malta documents

Unnecessary solicitation

Like Crimson said, it doesn't really matter if you succeed or not. Either works for us. We already know everything in those secret documents anyway. A lot of this kind of work is about presenting your enemies with a story plausible enough for them to want to believe it.


On your way to the mission in The Hollows, you will be ambushed by Malta Operatives.

Mission Objective(s)

These offices are unused, but kept in working shape by a shell company to deflect attention.

  • Try to get Malta documents - 1:00:00

Mission Failure: +++ Missing Information +++
Mission Success: You found the documents.


Malta Operatives

NPC Text

The documents are on this computer. You take the laptop with you.

The Maltese Laptop

The files on this computer, while often encrypted, could be very disturbing when combined with enough information about the Malta Group's organization.

Debriefing: Mission Failure

+++ Missing Information +++

Debriefing: Mission Success

Well, Sunset Gold showed up to get the documents in the end, only to find you'd already snagged them. He decided it was safer to run than try to explain himself to his bosses. They've branded him a traitor based on your work and our work, and want him for 'interrogation.' Ouch. I feel a bit bad for him. I'm not too big on dirty tricks, even if the target deserves it. Crimson's as close to happy with this ending as I've seen him in a long time. I have the feeling that he got a big dose of closure from this.

I know that, as a hero, you were probably hoping for a big climatic battle against this mysterious Sunset Gold character, but those sorts of things don't happen so much in the end of the business. For what we do, this is a pretty solid wrap-up. You did the right things, saved lives, and hurt the bad guys. So, no regrets.