Mission:Insert Paranoia Here - Part One: The Problem with People

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Part One: The Problem with People


You know how I hate people? I'm about to give you an example of exactly why I hate them.

We have this thing called the Static, right? We use it to communicate over frequencies. I don't go near there because of the ghouls, so we have someone who is supposed to be smart enough to not get caught by ghouls, relaying messages back and forth through the Static.

Now earlier he ran off to get some important information for me from the Static. Guess what happens? He doesn't come back.

My bet is that he was chomped by some ghouls, but that's just hopeful thinking.

I need someone to go rescue whatever remains of him. He should have on him a transcript of what he found on the Static.

  • What's this all going to lead to?

Always asking questions, this is why I hate people. You tell a robot what to do and it does it.

Here's the plan. I've got a person sending me the last bit of information I need to cause the Clockwork to go haywire. I don't mean haywire, 'haha it can't get up', I mean haywire as, 'RUN IT'S COMING TO KILL ALL OF US' kind of haywire. That have your attention now?

We've been planning this for a while, see? We get this working, Clockwork everywhere are going to go crazy and start attacking anyone they see.

This is just gonna go to show that you can't trust Cole or anyone. The people, that scared little mass of people, won't ever look at Clockwork the same ever again after this. That will help push the tide for us, but more importantly, it'll go to show what people are - just a bunch of scared cattle waiting to be herded.

Unnecessary Solicitation

You need to get that thing taken care of we talked about earlier.

Mission Objective(s)

File:Map P Tunnels 30 Layout 07 01.png
Map: P_Tunnels_30_Layout_07_01

The sound of ghouls snarling echoes in the halls. If Splice is right, this whole operation will lead to massive chaos topside for Cole and the people of Praetoria.

  • Retrieve the Resistance Message Carrier
    • Find the Resistance Courier

You got the information that Splice needed.



Notable NPCs


Rockaby gave you the information he found from the Static, which was a draw up of some sort of schematic. Looking it over, it seems to be instructions on how to put together the final piece of a device.


So Rockaby was still alive? Figures, annoying people never die in a timely manner. Good to see you found the schematics.

I knew they'd be the final piece of this puzzle. I should've figured this was how the emitter was set up, why didn't I? Little moment of weakness, relying on someone else to do the last leg, I shouldn't do it again.

Give me a few minutes here, Character, then we're going to ramp this up to get some real carnage going.

You got some worth to ya, Character. Here's a secure line you can cut to me with.