Mission:Insert Paranoia Here - Part Three: My Robot Butler, the Killer

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Part Three: My Robot Butler, the Killer


Good news, Character, everything is all set to go. I normally don't say this, but I think you should get down here to watch the carnage with me. I have little devices planted on the emitters to monitor the situation.

You also shouldn't be around there when the carnage begins, it could be bad. I might care just a little bit if you get doused in fire.

Meet up with our guy, Santiago. He's got a feed over to me. I wanna see your face when you hear the attack begin!

  • Alright, I'm on my way.

Great, just, you know, hurry up. We're on a schedule!

Unnecessary Solicitation

Come on! We've got a small window of opportunity here!

Mission Objective(s)

  • Observe the Magisterium Carnage


Santiago nods silently to you and holds up a makeshift computer screen. Splice is on it, smirking at you.

Character, finally. Let's get this party started.

Splice holds up a small television in the viewing screen, showing the area around the Magisterium. With a push of a button, a small wave of electricity is sent out. You see all the Clockwork in the area twitch for a moment before turning to attack the citizens around them. You notice Praetor White and Praetor Duncan are nowhere to be found.

It worked! Hah! I knew it! All this planning and it all came together!

I've been waiting months for this moment, Character. Remember Bravo Team trying to steal Marauder's day planner?

That was to make sure that he was scheduled to be somewhere else at this exact moment, just like Praetor Duncan. And Cole, from what I heard from our woman on the inside, is already off somewhere else.

And guess where the PPD are! Somewhere in the tunnels, thinking they've got a lead on where Calvin Scott is! And it was all orchestrated by ME!

  • Job well done. What's the next step?

I've got a self-destruct device on the emitters. The signal should have spread through all of Nova, so now it's just a simple matter of destroying the evidence so they're none the wiser - hey! Hey! GET AWAY FROM THAT!

The screen shows several Clockwork tinkering with Splice's device. After a few moments, they turn and walk away. Splice furiously pushes a button on her handheld device.

It's not working. Character, it's not working! This is impossible, it's MY technology, it's supposed to work!

No, no no no no no! Those stupid Clockwork, why weren't they effected?!

  • You sound like you have a problem.

We ALL do Character, if those emitters aren't destroyed, they'll be able to track it straight back to here, or worse, stop any future plans to do this in Imperial!

You're the only one who can go up there to destroy them - they'll just think you're a member of Powers Division, swooping in to save the day.

  • I'm on it. (Start Mission)
The undefended Magisterium

Mission Objective(s)


The sounds of civilians screaming for help fill the air. The Magisterium is lost in total chaos, for the moment.

  • Observe the Magisterium Carnage
    • 2 emitters to destroy

You've destroyed the emitters, preventing the PPD from tracking down who exactly planted them.


Praetorian Clockwork


That was too close, Character. Maybe you are someone that I can rely on. I was watching the fight from here, I don't understand what was up with those Clockwork. They were talking differently than normal Clockwork...maybe Neuron installed a new AI?

Regardless, we got what we wanted done. People aren't looking at Clockwork the same anymore. How could you, when you saw the same robot slaughter your friend's cousin in broad daylight?

This whole thing here is just one more step forward in our fight against Cole, and it's one that we pulled off. Not other bumbling members of this place, us. I don't have anything else right now that we could work on - got to catch up on all the phones I got to put some protections on.

Jack Hammer is interested in working with you, though. Says he has a plan that's right up your alley.