Mission:Joining the Pack - Part Three: Just as Sweet

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Part Three: Just as Sweet

Mission Briefing

Well, things seem to have calmed down a bit. At least, enough for me to feel comfortable sending you out for an errand while I keep my eye on things.

It ain't flashy but I need it done. Think of it as a personal favor for yours truly.

I need you to get me some flowers for my lady. Can I count on you?

  • Flowers? I didn't sign up for this!
Talk to the Flower Vendor

I didn't sign up for this either...


Listen, Character, when Cleo's unhappy, I'm unhappy, and nobody wants me unhappy, alright?

Now, head over to the flower vendor near the transit station and pick up some synthetic yellow roses. Cleo likes them best.

Unnecessary Solicitation

It's a simple task, Character. Stop whining and get the roses for my lady, alright?

Mission Objective(s)

  • Talk to the Flower Vendor


Hello citizen! You are looking rather sharp today.

Perhaps I can interest you in some tulips or a nice floral arrangement for your domicile?

Everything in my selection is locally grown in the Neuron Technologies Unlimited synthetics facility; growing beauty smarter.

  • Ask about roses
Of course, let me see what I have available...
Oh, I apologize, citizen, I appear to be all out of roses.
Could I interest you in another product?
  • Ask about what else is in stock. (A)
Certainly, allow me to access my inventory...
Oh, I am terribly embarrassed, I appear to have nothing in stock at this time.
Could I interest you in another product?
  • Ask who bought all the flowers. (B)
I cannot give you the details on specific customers, citizen. However, I can tell you that there was quite a crowd of people here earlier and they purchased all of my inventory.
  • Ask where they went.
Certainly, citizen. A number of citizens purchased and then took their flowers with them to honor the people killed in yesterday's terrorist attacks.
Can I be of further assistance?
It looks as if you are going to have to go find your own roses in the Magisterium Gardens. Open your mini-map (hotkey 'M') to see where you can find roses in the Magisterium Gardens. They will show up as starburst icons on the mini-map.
  • Thank and leave.
  • What other product? You are all sold out!
Pardon me, citizen, allow me time to confirm your statement...
Ah, yes, my inventory does appear to be empty.
Is there something else I can help you with?
  • Ask who bought all the flowers
This selection loops to another branch of this conversation which is already documented. (B)
  • Ask about synthetically grown flowers
Certainly, citizen.
Neuron Technologies Unlimited is proud to provide the citizens of Praetoria City with the latest in their lineup of organo-synthetic products: Synth-Flora.
Synth-Flora products are superior to naturally grown flowers for a number of reasons: They smell better, have a more pleasing color, their lifespan is far superior to all naturally occurring species, and they are carefully screened for any sign of taint by Devouring Earth spores...
  • Ask about Synth-Flora roses.
Of course, let me see what I have available...
Oh, I apologize, citizen, I appear to be all out of roses.
Could I interest you in another product?
  • Ask about what else is in stock.
This selection loops to another branch of this conversation which is already documented. (A)
  • Tell it you want roses for Praetor White's lady
Certainly, citizen.
While I check my inventory, just between you and I, Praetor White has been a repeat customer of late. I surmise that his purchase of roses for his lady are part of a human mating ritual. If that is the case, might I suggest some chocolates to accompany the roses?
  • Accept the chocolates
A Box of Chocolates

It's only six pieces of chocolate, but this is the good stuff

Magnificent choice, citizen.
The combination of chocolates and roses has a 78% chance of a positive response. Much higher than just roses or chocolates alone.
Oh, I apologize, citizen, I appear to be all out of roses.
Could I interest you in another product?
  • Ask about what else is in stock
This selection loops to another branch of this conversation which is already documented. (A)
  • Deny the chocolates
Are you certain, citizen?
The combination of chocolates and roses has a 78% chance of a positive response. Much higher than just roses or chocolates alone.
Oh, I apologize, citizen, I appear to be all out of roses.
Could I interest you in another product?
  • Ask about what else is in stock
This selection loops to another branch of this conversation which is already documented. (A)
The Magisterium Gardens

The Magisterium Gardens are a work of art. Glowing all manners of colorful flowers, amongst them, some yellow roses. People might not appreciate you taking some, but hey, you've got orders from the Praetor.

Gather roses

Mission Objective(s)

  • Gather Roses (Open your mini-map to help find them)
    • Gather 3 more roses

You got the roses for Cleopatra

Synth Roses

These roses are beautiful, and thorn free to boot!

Deliver roses to Cleopatra

Mission Objective(s)

  • Deliver roses to Cleopatra


Well, well, well, what have we here?

  • Give Cleopatra the roses
For me?
Thanks suga' / sweetness, but what are these even for?
Oh, wait a moment here, I get it... Michael put you up to this, didn't he?
  • Yes he did.
This selection loops to another branch of this conversation which is already documented. (A)
  • No, actually, they're a gift from me. Who's Michael?
This selection loops to another branch of this conversation which is already documented. (B)
  • Give Cleopatra the roses and chocolates
For me? Oh! And chocolates?!
Thanks suga' / sweetness, but what are these even for?
Oh, wait a moment here, I get it... Michael put you up to this, didn't he?
  • Yes he did. (A)
Oh, if Michael thought he was sorry before... he is going to be real sorry when I have a word with him later. That man has got to learn that you have to say the words for it to count.
  • Did I do something wrong?
This selection loops to another branch of this conversation which is already documented. (C)
  • No, actually, they're a gift from me. Who's Michael? (B)
Michael White, the Praetor. He's my boyfriend.
Anyhow, this is very sweet of you, handsome / beautiful, but frankly, I don't even know who you...
  • The name's Character
Well, alright, Character. It's a pleasure to meet you, and thank you for the gift, but I don't think Michael will appreciate you bringing me gifts, though I am flattered.
  • Michael doesn't have to know...
You don't seem to be getting the message, Character, so let me break it down to you, real simple.
Michael and I are together, and he will find out that one of his little pups brought me a gift, because I'm going to tell him. So you may want to rethink just exactly what it is you are doing here.
  • Actually, Michael sent me to get those for you, I've been having fun with you
Oh, now that's funny. Wow, baby / girl, you really had me going there for a minute. I was like, this boy / girl cannot be this stupid...
Well, you can tell Michael thank you for the gift.
  • Leave

You can see why Praetor White like Cleopatra. She's smart, sassy and fun. Of course, something tells you that she's got a really rough streak in her if she can keep the man once known as Marauder on a leash tight enough to make him give her gifts.

  • I'm just kidding. Praetor White had me get them for you
Hmmm. Well, the joke wasn't bad, honey / sweetness, but if Michael thought he was sorry before... he is going to be real sorry when I have a word with him later. That man has got to learn that you have to say the words for it to count.
  • Did I do something wrong? (C)
Oh, not at all honey / girlie. It's not you I'm mad at.
Now get back to Mister Alpha Dog and you tell him that the roses were a fine gift. No sense in having him throw a tantrum at you on account of our personal business.
  • Will you be alright? I mean, he is Praetor White.
Oh, don't you worry about me. There's two people in this world can handle my man; Emperor Cole and myself.
See you around, tiger / gorgeous.
  • Leave

Hell hath no fury... You don't know what Praetor White did to get on Cleopatra's bad side, but you're glad she didn't kill the messenger. Actually, as long as you're not the Praetor, she seems like a pretty fun lady.


Did she like them?

Alright... Good. Dodged that bullet.

You know what, Character, you ain't half bad.