Mission:Jonathan St. John Smythe - Talk to Iris Parker about the zombie attacks

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Talk to Iris Parker about the zombie attacks (1-5)


Welcome to SERAPH, Scientific Experimentation, Research and Application to Paranormal Humans. It's come to our attention recently that individuals are being pulled off the streets by creatures that can only be described as zombies. Normally this would be MAGI's bailiwick, but they say they've seen no new mystic residue lately. I think these zombies may have been created by medical means. Fascinating, yes?

There's an elderly lady named Iris Parker who witnessed one of the assaults. I'd like you to talk to Mrs. Parker about the zombie attacks.

Mission Acceptance

Do let me know what you find. I can only imagine the foul den these creatures come from!

Talk to Iris Parker

Unnecessary Solicitation

I'd be ever so grateful if you could figure out where on Earth those zombies are coming from.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Talk to Iris Parker


I was walking back from the grocery store, when out from the sewer a horrible creature appeared. Its flesh was rotted and grey, and its skin was covered in stitches. I feared for my life, but the creature ignored me. It grabbed Alex Carter, a newsstand owner near where I live, and dragged him into the sewer! I'll gladly tell you where this nightmare occurred, if you could rescue that poor dear.


  • The NPC hostage can vary between Alex Carter and Michael Thompson.

Defeat all zombies in sewer

Unnecessary Solicitation

That Iris Parker knows more about this situation than anyone else. Heed her words.

Mission Objective(s)

The foul odor you smell could not possibly be from sewage alone.

  • Defeat all zombies in sewer
    • Find Alex Carter

You found Alex Carter and defeated his abductors.




They were handling this Alex Carter fellow with care, eh? That could mean a lot of things, and most of them aren't good. I want to know more about this 'doctor' they mentioned. I hope I can count on you to help me investigate.