Mission:Last Rites - Part One: Martial Art Thieves

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Part One: Martial Art Thieves


The hooligans stole an urn, one that was meant to be the centerpiece of my opening exhibit. The piece is titled 'Xiong Hnub So', which roughly translates to 'Xiong's Day of Rest'. It's priceless, but I doubt it would hold much value if they were to resell... no I'm sure that these people simply wanted to sabotage my museum!

Graham looks at you, indignantly.

Well, you're a Hero, aren't you? What are you doing to do about my urn?

  • I... suppose I'll have to retrieve it.

Graham purses his lips at you disdainfully.

Well, I'm glad. Just... don't touch the piece more than you have to. I'd prefer it be kept in proper condition for the exhibit next week.

It doesn't look like Graham has any idea where the Tsoo might have taken his urn, but you have an idea who might. The PPD keeps track of the Tsoo's movements, and should be able to help you.

Speak with Detective Rogers

Unnecessary Solicitation

Graham frowns at you.

I hope you didn't forget about my urn. I can hardly open the museum without it.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Speak with Detective Rogers


Hey there, Character. Got something on your mind?

  • I was hoping you could help me track down a Tsoo operation.

Rogers raises an inquisitive eyebrow at you.

My friend, depending on the neighborhood, you could be up to your ears in Tsoo gangsters. You're gonna have to be a little more specific.

  • They stole an urn from the Asian Art Museum. They'd have to store it somewhere...

Oh, I get it. You're hoping to take a peek at their drop-off points. Those come and go pretty quick, but I can take a look at what we have on file.

Rogers pulls out his mobile and fiddles with it for a few moments.

You're in luck, my friend. It looks like we just got a tip in this morning about the Tsoo using an abandoned warehouse out in the Fool's Gold district.

Not far from the museum they hit, so it's as sure a bet as any.

  • Thanks, Rogers
Retrieve the Xiong Hnub So

Unnecessary Solicitation

Graham frowns at you.

I hope you didn't forget about my urn. I can hardly open the museum without it.

Mission Objective(s)

File:Map WAREHOUSE 30 LAYOUT 04 04.png

This is the location Rogers mentioned. Hopefully the Tsoo stashed the urn here.

  • Retrieve the Xiong Hnub So
    • Find the Xiong Hnub So

You recovered the Xiong Hnub So from the Tsoo.



Ambush! Upon retrieving the urn, 3 waves of Enraged Tsoo will attack
Before Combat

Enraged Tsoo: You will suffer for this indignation!

Upon Defeat

Enraged Tsoo: This... this will not be the end! No one may dishonor the Tsoo!
Enraged Tsoo

The Tsoo warrior coughs raggedly, struggling to keep himself from collapsing. His whole body trembles, but you can't be sure if it is from exhaustion or rage.

You... you will PAY for this, Character! The Tsoo cannot forgive this insult. Your time in this world will soon be at an end.

  • Surely wou expected this. You stole an urn from a museum.

The warrior laughs weakly, then devolves into another coughing fit.

Stole? That urn does not belong in a museum, Character. It has more value than you could possibly know... but your ignorance is no defense.

You... have been marked. We will come for you. Enjoy your final days, 'hero.'

The warrior spits the final word with clear contempt, then passes out from his injuries.

  • Leave


Graham claps excitedly when he looks inside the crate.

Oh, goodness, that's IT! That's the centerpiece to my exhibit! Oh, and it's barely marred at all!

I expected those ruffians to manhandle the urn, you see. Men like that have no real appreciation for fine art. I'm thankful they at least saw enough value in it to keep it safe.

Graham swoons over the urn for a while longer, then turns his attention back to you.

Oh! Character, you absolutely MUST come to the opening exhibit! If it weren't for you, I don't know what I would have done!