Mission:Lay Down Your Burdens - Finale: A Purpose To Follow
Finale: A Purpose To Follow
Well, it's time to put my whole, 'this is all for a good reason' to the test. One of my friends just texted me that the Skulls are openly attacking people in Hyperion Way!
It seems like a group of people were trying to get together to warn everyone about the Skulls, they said Deborah Rosenfeld was trying to get the word out about what they were doing.
The people of Hyperion Way need a hero, Character, someone to make a stand, to show the Skulls that they can't use them for their own ends!
- I'll make sure the Skulls don't get away with this, Sondra
I knew you'd say that, Character! Maybe, you know, maybe this is why all of this is happening. Hyperion Way has always been a jaded place. They... we were hit hardest by the Hollowing, when the nearby neighborhood of Eastgate was devastated.
We had to pick ourselves up and recover, almost all the efforts were going into fixing the neighborhood of Eastgate.
The people here tend to believe no one is going to help them, that you can only believe in yourself. Or worse, that people are just here to use them.
We're going to show them that there is someone looking out for them, that they can put their faith in other people, that there is someone out there who isn't trying to just use them!
Stop the Skulls Attack!
Unnecessary Solicitation
This is our chance, Character, we can do this!
Mission Objective(s)
- Stop the Skulls Attack!
- 0 out of 5 people rescued
You stopped the Skulls and found out the location of one of their main warehouses!

You found a piece of paper on one of the Skulls you defeated. You read it over, seeing that it is details on what to do after the attack...
'Put down anyone who is too rowdy. Bring the rest back to the warehouse. If they won't be convinced that we're the only place to go, then we'll show them just how powerful we are. We'll kill the majority there, then leave the remainder to tell the others about what we can do.
-Bone Breaker.
Put a stop to the Skulls operations
Unnecessary Solicitation
This is it, Character! The Skulls won't know what hit them when you walk in there!
Mission Objective(s)
The Skulls are keeping the food supplies for Hyperion Way somewhere in this warehouse. Time to stop their operations and give the people what they deserve.
- Put a stop to the Skulls operations in Hyperion Way!
- Find the supplies and take out any Skulls guarding them
- Catch the Skull Leader!
- Take down Bonebreaker
- Head back out to Atlas
Notable NPCs
If you received the clue Trying to Reason in the mission Speak with Icedrone to calm down the riot:
If you received the clue Ignorance of Icedrone in the mission Speak with Icedrone to calm down the riot:
Character, you did it! Officials from the government are distributing all the supplies you found. Bonebreaker and the rest of his gang are going to be put away for a very long time.
The people you rescued from the Skulls are already talking about everything you've done to help our neighborhood, and you bet I am too! I don't know how much this'll change things, but people will have to notice someone taking a stand for them here!
We still have a lot of work to do here, but you've helped all of us get back up to our feet. It's our turn now to keep moving forward. Speaking of which, that man from the FBSA, Matthew Habashy, wanted me to give you a message, something about a lead he had!
I think you might want to look into what Matthew Habashy found out as soon as you can.