Mission:Lay Down Your Burdens - Part One: Trouble Me No More
Part One: Trouble Me No More
There's a protest going on nearby, led by a hero named Icedrone. He's also from Hyperion Way, and he's trying to make a 'stand' against how the government is handling the food supply situation.
He's using his role as a hero to incite the people, but the government is doing everything they can! Someone is stealing all the food supplies being sent to the refugees. Between that, containing the situation in Galaxy, and all the other normal super-powered crime going on in Paragon City, everyone's stretched thin!
Please, Character, you have to try to talk to Icedrone, convince him to stop trying to incite the people and use his powers to help find out what's going on!
- I'll do my best, Sondra.
Thanks! In the meantime, I'm going to see what I can do about getting some spare medical supplies I brought over to one of the rest areas.
It shouldn't be too hard, I'm staying in one of them myself. I grew up here in Hyperion, but I lived in Galaxy. Well, until the meteors hit.
I'm not letting that stop me, though. It was a horrible thing, but I'm sure something good can come out from it, even if I can't see it just yet. Anyway, I'm blabbing! Please go see if you can talk down Icedrone.
Speak with Icedrone to calm down the riot
Unnecessary Solicitation
Have you seen the scene that Icedrone is causing?
Mission Objective(s)
- Speak with Icedrone to calm down the riot

You're Character, right? Great to have you here! Grab a sign, help us tell the government that we'll have no more of their blatant mishandling of this situation!
The people of Hyperion Way are hurt and need more help, it isn't right that they're just letting these supplies be stolen!
- Don't you have super powers? You can help track down who is stealing the food supplies.
Hrmph, I could, but people in charge need to get their act together! Galaxy's gone now because they didn't have the proper procedures in place.
Now, supplies for refugees are going away again because the government can't get their act together! Heroes can't just swoop in and make it right, the government needs to take some responsibility in the matter!
- I understand your frustration, but we -all- need to work together to make this right.
- Hrmph, you say work together, all I've seen is us doing all the work!
- I'm staying here, with the people. If you want to help, then you can deal with the Skulls. They're moving in on Hyperion Way now, and of course, the PPD and Longbow aren't here to stop them.
- ... I'll deal with the Skulls and get to the bottom of this, if -you- won't.
Trying to ReasonYou tried to reason with Icedrone to get him to stop the protest, but he insisted on continuing his crusade against the government workers.
- You have the power to do something about this! What kind of hero are you?
- I'm the hero that gets to the heart of the problem! What kind of hero are you?!
If you think you're so high and mighty, then why don't you just go fix all this yourself, huh? Like the Skulls that are just hanging around Hyperion Way nearby.
In the meantime, I'll be here trying to get some real results, not just going after the problems at the surface.
- ... I'll deal with the Skulls and get to the bottom of this, if -you- won't.
Ignorance of IcedroneYou scolded Icedrone, trying to get him to come around and go after the real source of all these problems. He didn't take the scolding too well, and still believes that what he is doing is right.
Take the fight to the Skulls in Hyperion Way
Unnecessary Solicitation
Ugh, some people, I swear! He knows there are Skulls in Hyperion Way and he isn't doing anything about it?!
Mission Objective(s)
- Take the fight to the Skulls in Hyperion Way
- Defeat 15 Skulls
You defeated the Skulls and found a... recruitment flier?

You found a recruitment flier on one of the Skulls. However, this one seems different. They're not targeting troubled youths or other gangsters. They're going after Galaxy City refugees. You read over the flier...
'PPD and Longbow can't protect you. People are dying left and right, and you can't even get yourself some food!
People say the Skulls are monsters, but we're a family, and we take care of our own. If you all want someone to take care of you, give you shelter, the Skulls are it.
Don't let those tight-wearing supers tell you differently!'
I can't believe this! The Skulls are trying to act like they're out help everyone? Character, these guys are nothing but death worshipping, drug dealing thugs!
I don't know who they're trying to fool, but wearen't going to let them get away with it.
I'll even help you take them on, I'll personally drag each of them over to the Zig if they think they can take advantage of Hyperion Way!
... Sorry. I just... things like this just make me so angry. Icedrone using the people for his agenda against the government... the Skulls using the people for who knows what. We need to do something about this!