Mission:Letting Go - Part One: The Killer
Part One: The Killer
You know, Character, I remember when I had my own squad of Powers Division. We were pretty famous. People would give us flowers when we walked down the street, cheer us on while we fought off Hamidon's monsters. this was before those sonic fences were put into place, of course. It's... good to see other people getting a chance to experience what I did. Anyway, let's get down to business.
You may or may not be aware, but there is someone going around killing Powers Division members. Many of the deaths have been low profile; a death here of a man who has minor levitation powers, a gruesome murder over there of a woman who can teleport. Very minor in comparison to the powers I once had and the ones that you currently possess.
Now, however, the killings are starting to get more high profile. Yesterday, some known members of Powers Division in Imperial City were found dead. The murderer planted a note on them. It said, 'Character is next'.
I imagine this is something we should be pro-active about. It was broadcast over TPN that this murderer is after you; naturally, the people of Imperial are concerned.
- Naturally. Well, let's get to work. Any leads?
We've got a few. The PPD have been working to supply us with information, though it hasn't been the greatest. You know how it is with the PPD. We're better than them because of our powers. They slack off while we do the real work; it's why the only real famous PPD officer was James Noble. Too bad that he's gone now. I remember first meeting him after going toe to toe with one of Hamidon's monsters, right in the center of People's Park...
Ahem. The lead we have is that our murderer may have some association with the Destroyers. The PPD have noticed that the Destroyers have more... direction, as of late. Their attacks don't seem random anymore, like back in Nova. A particular group of Destroyers have broken into an office building and are going on a rampage at this moment. A member of Powers Division went in there to stop them, but that was an hour ago. Our murderer may still be in that building. You'll have to find the member of Powers Division, then the lead Destroyer. You'll be accompanied by two members of your squad, Aria and Riptide. They'll be there by the time you arrive.
Unnecessary Solicitation
I remember one of the first assignments with my squad, Character. Perhaps you and I can talk about it one day.
Mission Objective(s)
Aria and Riptide stand ready as you enter. Could this Powers Division killer really just be a mindless Destroyer?
- Track the Powers Division Murderer
- Look for the missing member of Powers Division
- Two minutes until Destroyer Hordes arrive, find a device in the office to stop them
- Look for any remaining civilians
- Defeat the Destroyer raid leader
You recovered the remains of the man from Powers Division and took down Big Red Hound. Unfortunately, it appears that he was not the man you were looking for.
Notable NPCs
- Aria (Ally)
- Riptide (Ally)
- Big Red Hound (Destroyers Big Dog)
- Accountant (NPC, non-escort)
- (Destroyers Big Dog) (Guarding the Accountant)

You found the remains of a member of Powers Division. Whoever did this was able to bypass the medical system of Imperial City. You're unable to tell what exactly killed the man - his body is battered and bruised enough that it looks it was the work of the Destroyers, though there are some odd scorch marks that don't match their usual style of fighting.
You sent out a signal to diverge the horde! But was it on time?

The man you rescued told you what he saw...
'It was awful! Should've known that I could only trust Character to come save the day. The Destroyers barged in here and tore up the place! Then this guy from Powers Division walked in, said he would handle it. I heard an explosion somewhere and in an instant he was gone! The only thing that I can guess is that he tried going after the leader of the raid.'

The Destroyer that you defeated confessed that he never saw the member of the Powers Division. He only knows that he saw some masked figure move past him during the raid, fast enough that he couldn't get a good look at the person's identity.
No luck? That's too bad. It appears our lead on the Destroyers was a bad one. Not surprising, given it was from the PPD. I've spoken with Mr. G, who says that he will handle the investigation regarding the odd movements of the Destroyers. Oh, also, that man you rescued was just interviewed by TPN. They'll be running a report on your daring rescue later tonight. It's excellent to be on the top, isn't it? I always did enjoy it. Well, do enjoy it. I'm still fairly respected for all my past exploits, even if I'm... a desk worker for the moment.
Let's not get into all that ugly business, however. There's a person out there looking to kill you; we've got to get to the bottom of it. Just remember, I'm here to assist you every step of the way.
Take this, it's my contact information. I only share it with those who are on the up and up. You, Character, are most definitely one of those people.