Mission:Maria Jenkins - Take down the WarWorks
Take down the WarWorks
Intel keeps rolling in on the Praetorians. They have an analogue of Citadel named Siege who oversees their Imperial Clockwork maintenance. We've got word that he's currently outside the City Maintenance Facility and overseeing some final prep on what they are calling 'WarWorks'. It could be a trap to draw out the Resistance and powerful heroes like yourself, but I think you can handle whatever they are throwing your way. Siege used to have a body that was similar to Citadel's, but he long since abandonded it once the new model Clockwork bodies came online. Now he hops from shell to shell for whatever he feels is appropriate for the job at hand. I need you to go in and destroy any and all WarWorks you find, including Siege if possible, and disable any power generators they have in the area.
- Take down the WarWorks
My sources have informed me that the facility has several power generators you'll need to disable.
And if those WarWorks really are as powerful as intel suggest, I'd bring along some friends as well.
Unnecessary Solicitation
If Siege isn't destroyed we've got a real problem on our hands.
Mission Objective(s)
Taking dimensional portals sometimes leaves a bad taste in your mouth.
- Defeat Siege and all Warworks
- 7 generators to destroy
You disabled Siege and his Warworks.
Notable NPCs

Be aware that while fighting Siege players will be attacked by the Warworks Orbital Lance: "the most powerful weapon in the Warwalker's arsenal. It is capable of obliterating most targets in a single shot. However, it is easy enough to avoid." Siege also has significant 'spikes' of regeneration and can be quite difficult to defeat.
You've put a serious crimp in Siege's production. These Warworks seem very powerful, I shudder to think what they will ultimately be used for.