Mission:Market Crash - Part Three: Finale

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Part Three: Finale


This is a disaster! I just got word that the Freakshow are staging a massive rampage all over Talos Island! The Sky Raiders must be using them as a distraction in order to break into our warehouse using the stolen codes!

The Paragon Police are on the scene, but they're outnumbered and are calling for backup. Get to Talos Island quickly and meet up with them.

Mission Acceptance

The PPD Liaison Officer has requested an official designation for your team in order to coordinate your efforts. I have assigned you the name Task Force Name .

Use the Paragon City Monorail to get to Talos Island. It will be the fastest way.

Unnecessary Solicitation

The PPD Liaison Officer has requested an official designation for your team in order to coordinate your efforts. I have assigned you the name Task Force Name

Mission Objective(s)


The PPD are already exchanging fire with the Freakshow!


Sky Raiders

Notable NPCs

While the Valet badge is not granted until the trial is completed, it is earned at the beginning of this mission. See Strategies for Completion below for details.

Upon completion of the initial mission objectives (listed above), additional information is provided via radio from the PPD Liaison Officer, the mission objectives are updated, and the team is directed to enter the Wentworth's building.

Mission Objective(s)

Upon completion of the prior mission objective, additional information is provided via radio from the PPD Liaison Officer, the mission objectives are updated, and the team is directed to enter a system of caves under the Wentworth's building.

Mission Objective(s)


Colonel Duray: Castillo! Stop screwing around!
Colonel Duray: We got all the parts we need to begin production, get your men back here!
Captain Castillo:
Colonel Duray: Then leave the prototype to the heroes and retreat! We're leaving the area in five minutes!
Captain Castillo:
Colonel Duray: What? No! Return at once, Castillo!
Colonel Duray: Castillo!

Upon completion of the prior mission objective, additional information is provided via radio from the PPD Liaison Officer, the mission objectives are updated, and the team is directed to exit the system of caves and return to the initial map for this mission.

Mission Objective(s)


Good work, Task Force Name. The Sky Raiders were able to steal a great deal of robotics equipment, but nothing they stole was as valuable as the Chekhov Power Core. The recovery crew found fragments of it in the wreckage of that giant robot, and I will be able to write it off as a deductible casualty loss. The damage was limited, thanks to your efforts, and your quick response has made it easy to turn this into a Public Relations victory.

Not bad at all, Character. Our stockholders thank you