Mission:Market Crash - Part Two: High-Risk Employment
Part Two: High-Risk Employment
Things just got worse. The District Manager was on her way here to meet with me when she was kidnapped by a group of Freakshow. Witnesses claim that she was being specifically targeted in an unusually coordinated assault; they took her and were gone before any hero could respond.
They might be trying to get information on the items they stole, including the Chekhov Power Core. You have to rescue her before they find out what it is!
There is one bright spot in all of this: the Freakshow didn't take her cellphone until they arrived at a nearby warehouse. I have the GPS coordinates right here.
Please hurry. Don't leave Jamie at the mercy of the Freakshow
Mission Objective(s)
You hear rave music coming from the back of the warehouse
You have captured M0uThP1eC3 and Captain Roberts. The Freakshow traded the Chekhov Power Core for some jetpacks!
Notable NPCs
- M0uThP1eC3 (Noise Tank)
- Captain Roberts

While leading Jamie Ross out of the warehouse, she told you:
'The Freakshow are throwing a massive party in the back of this warehouse to celebrate a new alliance that will get them "high like never before". They are meeting with someone called "Captain Roberts" right now. He's the one who told them to capture me!
She scribbled something on a business card and gave it to you before leaving.
Temporary Power
During this mission, a hero can earn the Freakshow Disguise temporary power by locating and clicking a glowie crate.

This random assorment of cybernetic parts can cause you to look like a member of the Freakshow without actually undergoing the hazardous cybernetic surgery. Will not work with self-targeted concealment related powers such as Stealth or Invisibility. 2:00:00 of usage left.

Captain Roberts refused to talk, but the Freakshow were more than willing to gloat about getting some "awesome" jetpacks in exchange for a "useless" power core. The Sky Raiders are planning to use it for something big!
Jamie is shaken, but she'll be okay. The Freakshow took her keycard and forced her to give up her access codes before you showed up; I'm sending word out that we need to change those immediately before they hit one of our warehouses.
The Sky Raiders knew what the Chekhov Power Core was the second they laid eyes on it. They might not enjoy working with anarchists, but this was too much of a good deal for them to pass up. I can't imagine what they plan to do with it, but it definitely won't be good.