Mission:Mass Duplicity - Retrieve the ledger from Lisa Colbert
Retrieve the ledger from Lisa Colbert
I took that coded ledger you found to a cryptographer named Lisa Colbert. It didn't take her long to crack the Nemesis code, but I'm afraid it might have gotten her into trouble. She just called me in a panic. She says she's being followed, and she thinks the perps are Nemesis' men! She's trying to avoid them, and would really like to get the ledger out of her hands. Will you go retrieve the ledger from Lisa Colbert?
Mission Acceptance
Hurry, Character. I'd hate to see anything happen to Lisa.
Unnecessary Solicitation
If you don't hurry, the armies of Nemesis may catch up with Lisa. Then there's a good chance we'll never see her, or the ledger, again.
Mission Objective(s)
These old offices used to belong to a government agency. Old memos marked 'Top Secret' are scattered on the floor.
- Defeat all soldiers in office
- Rescue Lisa Colbert
- Take Lisa to ledgers
You have rescued Lisa Colbert and retrieved the ledger.

According to Lisa Colbert, the cryptographer, these ledgers record a large number of sealed shipments from Europe. Most of them contained robotic supplies. In order to divert suspicion, the shipments were sent to several different Nemesis front companies.
One very recent shipment is labeled 'Prototype.' The final destination of that shipment is not recorded.
Notable NPCs
- Lisa Colbert (Captive)
Lisa is safe at home, thanks to you. Her decryption of that ledger was very interesting. It looks like the Nemesis armies have been bringing in shipments from Europe for a while. The entry that really worries me is this last one, the prototype. It could be anything: a new weapon, some new armor, anything!
There's been a lot of debate about whether or not the armies of Nemesis are being led by Nemesis himself, or a copy cat. Finding a new prototype of Nemesis technology might answer that question for good.