Mission:Masterpiece (Hero) - Part 1: The Dive

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Part 1: The Dive


Yo, Character, the name's Dakota Berg. You can call me Berg, I hate the name Dakota. But I figure I'd be up front with you about the name. I'm an agent of the FBSA. Yeah, I know what you might be thinking, I should be out there fighting crime. I should, but due to several class action lawsuits regarding accidental destruction of property during simple arrests, I've been ordered not to. That's neither here nor there, though.

I've been assigned to the case regarding Malaise and his arrest. Thanks to your actions during the Warburg conference, you've been named as one of the heroes who should interrogate Malaise. We've got him in a secure safe house here in Brickstown now. Are you ready to talk to the man responsible for the death of Alexis Cole-Duncan?

This arc contains elite bosses and may be difficult for certain players to do by themselves.

Mission Acceptance

Dakota Berg hands you some documents

Great. First off, here's some information about the current situation, well, at least, part of the situation. Statesman has gone missing, probably off flying somewhere to clear his mind. Can't say I blame him, after all, Alexis was his daughter and all.

Manticore is kinda on the outs with, well, everyone right now. Malaise, like I said, is being held in a safe house. Manticore insists that there's more to the plot, but Ms. Liberty is doubting that. She thinks Malaise's motive was revenge. You're the one who's going to talk to the freak to try to see what's going on. Everyone else is too invested in this whole thing; Liberty for her mom, Psyche for the fact that he was mind-linked to her.

Anyway, here's the location of the safe house. Meet up with Ms. Liberty to get a rundown of the current situation.

The Funeral of Alexis Duncan-Cole

Only a select few were invited to the funeral of Alexis Duncan-Cole. One notable hero who was absent was Manticore. Statesman and Ms. Liberty were present in the funeral, as were a number of now retired heroes who had fought side by side with Alexis during her time as Miss Liberty.

Those who attended took note that Statesman seemed distant, as if his mind was somewhere else, while Ms. Liberty gave a beautiful eulogy about the life of her mother.

Attendees noted that after the funeral, there was a loud verbal argument between Statesman and Ms. Liberty in the graveyard where Alexis was buried. Statesman blamed Ms. Liberty for her mother's death, stating that Malaise had no right to be outside of a prison. The argument intensified until Statesman flew away. He has not been seen since.

Unnecessary Solicitation

They're waiting on you, Character.

Mission Objective(s)


You had to go through several layers of security to get inside of the warehouse, including one to check if you were a shapeshifter in disguise.

  • Interrogate Malaise
    • Meet with Ms. Liberty
    • Wait for Manticore and Ms. Liberty to finish talking
    • Interrogate Malaise
    • Get to the security room to deactivate the music
    • Stop Manticore from assassinating Malaise
    • Get back to Malaise
    • Speak with Aurora Borealis

Malaise has forced himself into Sister Psyche's mind!


Freedom Phalanx
Paragon Police Department

Notable NPCs


Sorry, Character. Things have just been... bad, since my mother was murdered. Grandpa's gone, said something about flying around to clear his head. I wonder if he actually is gone for good this time.

When grandma died, he tried to leave everyone behind, only he came back at the last minute. But... things are different now.

We've got Malaise held in the back. Sister Psyche and Aurora Borealis are there to keep him held down. Do you have any questions before going in?

  • No, I'm ready.
Okay, Character. Malaise is in the back. I need to go work on finding grandpa. People are getting worried that this might be an Arachnos plot, and they want him around to keep Recluse in check. Not that I think we need him. We have plenty of heroes who can help stop Recluse, if push comes to shove. It's not like the old days.
  • Very well, I'll handle everything.
  • Tell me about what happened with you and Statesman at the funeral.
Hrmph... he blamed me for all this. Of course, he also blamed Manticore, too. Grandpa went on this whole rant, saying how he told me that Malaise was too far gone, that he belonged either in a prison or an asylum. I told him that I thought Malaise had a chance to change, and that it was worth it to at least try.
That's when we got into a whole debate about Uncle Stefan, I mean, Lord Recluse. I keep telling him that everyone has a chance to change, even Recluse, but grandpa doesn't want to believe it.
He yelled at me that my 'foolishness' was going to get more people killed and asked if I was going to let Recluse in to the city if he tried to pull 'another' redemption card. Ugh, I swear, he wonders WHY I use my father's last name instead of his. Grandpa's just... I don't want to talk about it anymore, Character.
  • Alright, that's fine. I'm ready to go.
  • What about Sister Psyche? Is it safe for her to be here?
We don't have much of a choice, Character. We need a powerful psychic here to make sure Malaise doesn't pull anything. Aurora Borealis is good, but, well, Sister Psyche is just better. We have plenty of precautions in place in the event that Malaise tries something.
There... was someone else who wanted to help, but she's too inexperienced. Penelope Yin. She thinks she's all grown up, now that it's been over five years since everything happened in Faultline. But, she just doesn't have what it takes to handle a huge case like this.
  • Alright, I'm ready to go.
  • Did you find any other information about Malaise?
Barely. All we found out from him was that he has some sort of grand 'story' and that we're all playing our parts perfectly. Whenever we ask about Blitz, he goes on to say that he was just a guest star in all of this, a side character.
Frankly, I'm starting to believe there's something bigger here, but it won't be easy to find out. I think he's finally gone mad, someone's done something to Malaise to push him over the edge. I don't know why that person would want my mother dead, but I'm sure as hell going to find out.
  • Alright, I'm ready to go.

Well, well. Character. It's good to see you again. I was hoping this would happen, you and I meeting again. I've been keeping a close eye on you, a very close eye on you, with the obelisk... with Numina's father... and now this.

Finally, the story's unlikely protagonist and its antagonist meet, not to exchange blows like last time, but to talk. What will be revealed, I wonder? Will you find the answers you seek?

Tell me, Character, before you ask the question, let me ask you a question. What exactly is it that you're here for?

  • I'll ask the questions around here, Malaise. Who are you working with?
Ah, you're the strong type, Character, just as I wrote you would be. Who am I working with, you ask? That's a very loaded question, you know, as you already make the assumption that I am working with someone.
I don't believe it fits the story for you to know that just yet. There's a method, Character, to a good story. Your characters can't know too much too early, or else it ruins everything! Think of it... like a painting. You need to have all the small details come together perfectly to make a beautiful piece of art.
  • Why did you attack Synapse? Numina's father?
Ah, so we're trying to reveal the confusing parts of the plot, are we? But, there's the risk of revealing too much here as well!
Well, I can tell you that Numina's father was a way to Numina. Both her and Synapse were... how to say, they were a test run. Hrm... no, that's not entirely accurate. Let's say... a first try. If things had worked out, it would've been a very pleasant surprise. But they didn't, and so we moved on to the next step.
You can't stop worrying, however. Things are going very smoothly now. The little speedster and ghost are no longer significant characters in this plot. Not like you.
  • What are you planning with me, Malaise?
Before Malaise can finish his words, a song begins to play over the speaker system in the safe house. You recognize the voice: Johnny Sonata, a singer from St. Martial, known for his ties to the Family. Sister Psyche envelops your mind in a shield as you can feel the melody of the music attempting to force your emotions.
In the distance, you can hear explosions of violence. The music is turning everyone insane! Malaise laughs madly at you.
Ah, the next part of our act! The Dirge of Chaos revealed! You've guarded this place well, but not from this!
  • I'll be back, Malaise, once I handle this!
  • I'm here for justice, Malaise. Justice for the woman you killed.
Aren't we all looking for justice, Character? You believe I am the antagonist of the story, and you are the protagonist. The brave hero who will ride into town and solve everyone's problems. Did you ever think, however, about how to solve your problems? Hrm? Doesn't it get tiring, Character, to have everyone rely on you, and no one who you can rely on?
You may think you're the protagonist, but when are you moving your story further, as opposed to the stories of others? Ah, but this was a tangent. You are looking for justice, but you will never find your justice. Alexis Cole-Duncan is dead, and, despite the miracle infested world we live in, she won't be coming back.
I am looking for justice too, Character. That could, as one person on an opposite spectrum almost always says to another, make you and I a lot alike.
  • And how have you been wronged?
Look around you. We live in a world where heroes are common, and yet, many are celebrated. Yet, the artist, Character, the one who creates beauty, still struggles.
What am I famous for? The works of art I've created, the stories I've written? No, what I care for, what I had passion for was meager compared to my super powers. Is it fair that I was born to a world that never understood my work? Is it right that I was given these powers but not the will to resist the temptation of using them?
The justice I seek, Character, can be obtained. It is to make my masterpiece, one that the entire world will see and remember. In fact, you are a part of this masterpiece in progress.
  • What are you planning with me, Malaise?
Before Malaise can finish his words, a song begins to play over the speaker system in the safe house. You recognize the voice: Johnny Sonata, a singer from St. Martial, known for his ties to the Family. Sister Psyche envelops your mind in a shield as you can feel the melody of the music attempting to force your emotions.
In the distance, you can hear explosions of violence. The music is turning everyone insane! Malaise laughs madly at you.
Ah, the next part of our act! The Dirge of Chaos revealed! You've guarded this place well, but not from this!
  • I'll be back, Malaise, once I handle this!
Security Computer

You get to the computer terminal and try to shut down the sound system. However, you notice that even shutting down the system isn't stopping the music!

Whoever is behind this is mixing magic and technology to override both the security systems and the audio system. You notice a figure walking in to the entrance of the safe house on one of the cameras.

  • (Zoom in)

You see that it's Manticore with some PPD! He has his arrow drawn and his face, though obscured by his mask, has a clear look of murder on it. If Manticore kills Malaise, you'll lose one of the major leads on who is behind all of this!

You can only guess that he's here to murder Malaise. You decide to go confront Manticore. If he's here to help, then there will be no problem. If not, well, then you'll know right away what his goal is.

  • (Leave)

Character, I was worried about this from the very beginning. I thought we had everything handled, but... Sister Psyche's defenses were severely weakened after absorbing all the negativity being broadcasted by the Dirge of Chaos. Malaise took advantage of that to use his own powers to force himself into her mind.

  • What does he want in there? To control her?

No... Malaise isn't capable of full on control. He gets inside the minds of his enemies and weaves nightmares, breaking their mental barriers and shattering their realities. In Sister Psyche... he's after someone in particular that has been trapped inside of her.

  • I need to know who, Aurora.

It's a part of me, Character. Sister Psyche once was inside of my body. Her own physical body was in a coma after the Rikti War, and I allowed her to mind ride into my body. When she left, a part of my psyche went with her. Neither of us knew until it was too late.

Sister Psyche could not remove that part of me from her... and so she did everything she could to trap it, eliminate it.

Malaise knows this... and if I know him, he wants to release that part of me from within Psyche.

  • What will happen if he does that?

That part of me will try to take full control over Sister Psyche. That's the best case scenario. The worst case, if she can't, is that she will try to kill Psyche, even if it means killing herself.

I'll do what I can from here to help Sister Psyche and get Malaise out of her mind. It's clear that Malaise is not working alone. He might not even be the mastermind behind all of this! You need to find out who is behind this, Character, and fast!

  • I'm on it, Aurora


I've already been debriefed, Character. This is bad, like, beyond bad. We should've known nothing would've stopped something bad from happening, but this is ridiculous! Malaise has help from the outside, that much is certain. And it ain't Blitz, 'cause he seemed shocked to hear what happened.

I let Ms. Liberty know what happened; she said she's still out looking for her grandpa. She's gonna let him know that there's still more to be done, if he doesn't know already. You and I, though, we've got some loose ends to tie up. We're gonna figure out who is behind all these attacks on the Freedom Phalanx, once and for all.