Mission:Maxwell Christopher - Get samples of those rail tracks and have them analyzed
Get samples of those rail tracks and have them analyzed
I've been going through these old business records you dug up on Nemesis' front companies, and I've noticed something odd. It looks like Nemesis was heavily invested in companies that produced railroad tracks for decades, starting during the second world war and continuing until the late 90's. He went out of his way to make sure that his tracks were used in any major rail project. That's more than a little suspicious in my book. After the Rikti War he gutted the companies and let them fail, but I found an old warehouse that might still hold samples of those rails. I'd like you to get samples of those rail tracks and have them analyzed.
- Get samples of those rail tracks and have them analyzed
Nemisis still owns the warehouse through other front companies, so there may be opposition on site. You just need to get me a sample of those railroad tracks. Nemesis doesn't work to corner a market on something like that without a more sinister reason. Once you have a sample, take it to Anton Sampson over in Founder's Falls for analysis. I've worked with Anton before when I needed to decipher Nemesis' technology.
Get track sample
Unnecessary Solicitation
Once you get that sample and get it analyzed, we may get a better idea of what Nemesis has been up to, and how to stop it.
Mission Objective(s)
You don't know what to expect in here, but the key to a mystery is somewhere in this place.
- Get track sample
- Find track sample
You found a strange section of rail track. You must take it to Anton Sampson for analysis.
Notable NPCs
- Dr. Ulecht (Equinox Archon)
- Lt. Epstein (Nemesis Lieutenant)

Though this section of railroad track looks normal, a cross section reveals not only a strange series of layers made of weird alloys, but what appear to be circuitry imprinted throughout the length of the rail.
Get info from Anton Sampson
Unnecessary Solicitation
Talk to Anton Sampson over in Founders' Falls. He's really familiar with Nemesis' technology and should be able to figure out what the story is on those strange railroad tracks.
I've done an analysis of the track segment you brought. It's really something else. They look like railroad tracks, and will carry a train, but they have another purpose. They can be manipulated to send out signals that can interfere with electromagnetic activity. With the right tuning, they could take over electronics, or even potentially overwhelm brain activity. You'd need a vast amount of this stuff laid out in a network for it to be any use, though. Like, say, a railroad network.
Hold on, I have a call from Maxwell Christopher.
Yeah, Character is right here.
Yeah, that sounds like the kind of equipment.
I just don't think it was finished.
Okay. No, it's not worth the risk. I agree.
All right, I have another mission for you. I don't know how he's getting the information, but your friend gave me a location for you to strike. He says it's probably the command center for this network. I don't think the project was finished, or Nemesis would have used it, but I'm in agreement that we can't take the chance. You're to go to this location, take out the base, and look for any kind of outline of the network. Good luck.
Defeat all in rail center
Unnecessary Solicitation
It's like I had Sampson tell you, you need to take that control center down. Anton may not think that the whole grid was ever finished, but we can't take that chance. See if you can find a map of the rail lines, too. This is gonna cost billions to clean up, but it's the only way.
Mission Objective(s)
Though any legitimate businesses are long gone from this old building, Nemesis has remodeled a section of this place as a control center for his mind controlling rail network.
- Defeat all in rail center
- Find a rail map
You have taken the control center and found a map of Nemesis' rail network.

This map is a complete chart of America's railroad system, showing which parts of the railroads use Nemesis' augmented rail tracks. You notice that there are a number of gaps with completion dates, leaving sections of Nemesis' network cut off. Still, there are thousands of miles of Nemesis' altered rail tracks all over the country.
As far as I can tell, Nemesis never finished the rail network to his satisfaction. If it had been operational, he could have used the special tracks to send signals to override mental functions. Electric brainwashing, and it would have been completely invisible. Or, with enough power, he could have fried any electronics in the world. Pretty terrifying.
I've studied Nemesis. My entire carrer, most of my life really; I've studied him. I know him as well as anyone can. What you have to remember is that Nemesis really thinks that he's a good guy. He thinks the world will be a better place under his 'benevolent' rule. So he doesn't want a nation of mindless drones. He wants people to love him of their own free will. Like pets. The command center's only record of him using it at all was during the Rikti War, probably to help kill troublesome heroes or protect his own bases.
This is going to take billions of dollars to clean up, but that's better than leaving it in his arsenal. This may just have been a back-up weapon as far as Nemesis was concerned, but it was a gun at the temple of every free mind of Earth.