Mission:Means And Ends - Part One: Past Debts Due

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Part One: Past Debts Due


Character, it is time to do the things left undone in Sorceress Serene's wake. I think we can both agree that the first thing we should do is release poor Katie Douglas from the Seer Network.

She will need a familiar face to regain her bearings and I think you would do well to be the one to release her.

  • Agreed.

Good, I only hope that once released she is willing to help me study some strange psychic disturbances I've been sensing. First Ward has always had strange psychic activity, especially with the arrival of the Vortex, but this is both familiar and strange at the same time. That these disturbances started following Serene's death cannot be a coincidence.

I will continue looking for a pattern in these disturbances, but I could certainly use Katie's help.

Release Katie Douglas from the Seer Network

Unnecessary Solicitation

The longer Katie stays in the Network, the more apprehensive she will become. She may have the body of an adult, but she still has the mind of a teenage girl. She will not easily forgive what had to be done, even if she knows it was for the best.

Mission Objective(s)


The air in here is absolutely freezing!

  • Release Katie douglas from the Seer Network
    • Access the Network
    • Discover what happened



Notable NPCs

  • Investigate the Source of the Dead Memories

You have defeated Tear in Reality.

  • Close the other Tears in Reality

You have defeated Tear in Reality.

  • Access the Network
Seer Network Interface

You access the controls for the Seer Network. The display blinks the number '0.00%' under the word 'Capacity'.

Katie and the rest of Seers appear to have simply disappeared, and in their place, it seems, Apparitions and these tears in reality formed.

  • Query: Location of Seer 1381, Katie Douglas
The Network displays a spinning five-pointed praetorian star for approximately 2 seconds before returning an error message.
Query complete, Seer 1381 is no longer linked to the network.
  • Query: Time of departure from Network for Seer 1381
The Network displays a spinning five-pointed praetorian star for approximately 5 seconds before returning the following message.
Subject: Seer 1381
Name: Katie Douglas
Status: Unknown
Departure: Unknown
Notes: Diagnostic required, unable to receive signal from subject - Seer 1381. Possible maintenance failure. All links to Networked Seers as of this time stamp have failed.
The time stamp appears to be only several minutes old.
  • Query: Current Network Capacity
The Network displays a spinning five-pointed praetorian star for a split-second before returning the following message.
Query complete, Network is currently at 0.00% capacity. Awaiting integration of Seers to network.
  • Access Network Logs
The Network displays a spinning five-pointed praetorian star for about 12 seconds before giving out more information. As you read it over, you hear an odd voice in the distance.
Kiy-yi! You won't find Katie Douglas that way!
  • Who's there?
Whispering Coyote

Ki-yi-yi! I am Whispering Coyote, Blind Makwa's spirit companion. Ki-yi-yi!

Ki-yi! The barrier between worlds has grown weak. The Netherworld is merging with First Ward to create the Night Ward! If it continues, then disaster will befall everyone, ki-yi-yi!

First, you must rescue Katie Douglas, she is the key to it all! I will guide you through the Night Ward to her. A tear is opening now! You must go through it and trust me, ki-yi-yi! Just be careful, the Drudges are here!

  • I suppose I don't have much of a choice...!
Seer Network Logs

The Seer Network Logs indicate that at some point the Network experienced unauthorized psychic activity. Three minutes later every seer in the network, Katie Douglas included, had disappeared!

The logs are as follows:

Log Entry - Network at 19% Capacity: No Change
Log Entry - Network at 19% Capacity: No Change
Log Entry - Network at 19% Capacity: No Change
Log Entry - Warning, Unauthorized Psychic Activity Detected.
Log Entry - Network at 0% Capacity: Error. Diagnostic Underway.
Log Entry - Diagnostic Complete. Network at 0% Capacity: Seers Disconnected From Network. Authorization For Disconnect Unknown. Whereabouts Unknown. Log Submitted To Praetor Tilman. Network Entering Standyby Mode.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Release Katie Douglas from the Seer Network
    • Enter the portal into Night Ward
    • Go with Whispering Coyote to Katie Douglas

Something mysterious is happening and you aren't exactly sure who or what is behind it. Return to Mistress Maria to get to the bottom of this mystery.


You did it! I can sense Katie's mind once more, but the spirit world is merging closer to our own with every heartbeat, Character.

I spoke with Blind Makwa, and according to him, Whispering Coyote believes that the secret to stopping the transition lies within the Midnight Mansion... well now it seems we have recovered our means to return there, assuming Katie is willing to help.