Mission:Melvin and the Mysterious Malta Group - Rescue Mavra Varvarinsky
Rescue Mavra Varvarinsky
Our mutual 'friends' have abducted an older Russian woman they've been looking for since, oh, about 1989. She currently goes by the name Mavra Varvarinsky, but that's just the latest one she's used in her long career. Rescuing her from them would probably count as a good thing, but what's almost as important is finding the transfer orders about where they were planning to stash her. Those orders could help to pinpoint where our friends' are holding Melvin Langley. So, will you rescue Mavra Varvarinsky and find out where they were going to take her?
- Rescue Mavra Varvarinsky
We know enough about Ms. Varvarinsky to know that she doesn't deserve an ugly death at the Malta Group's hands.
Unnecessary Solicitation
Mavra Varvarinsky's life is still in danger!
Mission Objective(s)
Indigo's information has led you down to this section of the sewer network where Malta agents are holding Mavra Varvarinsky until they can ship her off shore.
- Defeat all agents in sewers
- Locate the Russian
You rescued Mavra Varvarinsky and defeated her captors. After the battle, you found some orders on one of the defeated Malta operatives.
Notable NPCs
- Echo Red Eta (Malta Operatives Gunslinger)
- Mavra Varvarinsky (Hostage)

After her rescue from agents of the Malta Group, Mavra Varvarinsky told you:
'These men, these people, I have known of them for some time. You call them Malta, yes? We had no name for them when we fought them in the Cold War. After your government eliminated the Might for Right act, we made great strides in the intelligence community. But then, within a year, we lost all that we had gained and more. Hundreds dead, spy cells destroyed, facilities wiped out no matter the guard. All done by a shadowy enemy that we could not directly link to any one Western government. We fought them for years and learned little except that they were powerful, and that they were brutal. They were more brutal than we thought any Western government would allow. We learned in time that we could not match the ferocity of this secret enemy. They were like wolves in search of blood. I had wondered what would become of them when the Cold War ended. It is unfortunate that they did not return to the shadows they came from.
It is unlikely we will meet again. Now I must disappear once more.'

You found this list on one of the Malta Group soldiers you defeated while rescuing Mavra Varvarinsky. The list consists of dozens of partial coordinates for the locations of detention centers where the Malta Group can hold captives indefinitely.
My own sources tell me that Madame Varvarinsky has disappeared again, but this time of her own accord. Anyone who served with the KGB for 25 years can usually take care of themselves. Now, the real prize is that list you found. The locations are partial at best, and most of them are probably false leads, but it's a start. Even more important than getting the list, though, is making sure our 'friends' know we have it, and making them think we're close to deciphering it. That should keep them nervous, and unsure about what to do with Melvin. By now they think he either knows nothing and you're just crusading, or that he knows way more than they think. Either way, they'll keep him alive. Now all we need to do is keep the pressure on and find him before it's too late.