Mission:Melvin and the Mysterious Malta Group - Rescue Melvin Langley before the Malta Group can move him

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Rescue Melvin Langley before the Malta Group can move him


I asked you to do a lot of obscure things lately, Character, but we may be on the verge of a big pay-off. Our 'Friends' are about to transfer a prisoner. I think it might be Melvin Langley. I want you to go in and rescue him before they can move Mr. Langley out of the city. This could be his last chance, and our 'friends' will be well prepared. I suggest you get yourself ready, too.

  • Rescue Melvin Langley before the Malta Group can move him

After all of the misdirection, rescuing Melvin alive and well would be a great end to this. Our 'Friends' are holding their prisoner in an old warehouse before they move him out. Your objective is to find that prisoner and free him from his captors.

Unnecessary Solicitation

Your only objective is to free that prisoner. Hopefully, that will bring an end to all of this.

Mission Objective(s)

It only takes you a moment to spot that all of the boxes in here are empty. This warehouse is probably just a front for the Malta Group.

  • Rescue Melvin Langley
    • Rescue Melvin Langley

Though Melvin Langley was not the prisoner being moved, you did rescue Art Returio, a captive of the Malta Group. He was able to confirm that Melvin Langley was still alive.


Knives of Artemis
Malta Operatives

Notable NPCs

Art Returio's story

After you rescued him from agents of the Malta Group, Art Returio told you:

'Wow, it's so great to meet you. I'm actually a big fan of yours. Look, these guys have been after me for a while. You see, I got a power. It's nothing really big, I mean, all I can do is make somebody forget the last 5 minutes. I always figured that really wasn't any use to anybody. But I told my doctor about it, and suddenly these strange guys were contacting me. They were all nice at first, promising to help me with money and stuff, but I got a bad feel off of them, so I told them no. Then they stopped being nice. I figured I had to stand against them, but these guys are vicious. They took everything from me, then when I still said no they said it would be easier to 're-educate' me. I'm glad you got me in time.

I think I met that Langley guy you mentioned. They were giving him the third degree pretty badly. They made me watch some, to show me what could happen if I didn't cooperate. The guys working him over kept asking who'd been feeding him information, but I never saw him talk. I wish I could help you more, but that's all I know.'


Well, that wasn't Melvin, but I'm sure Art Returio is happy to be free. I'll make certain that he's contacted by someone who can protect him from our 'Friends.' Just because we didn't find Melvin this time doesn't mean that it's over. According to Mr. Returio, Melvin's still alive, and they're still trying to figure out what he knows. I really wasn't expecting him to hold out this long. He's been a very brave man. I just hope he can hold out a little bit longer.