Mission:Melvin and the Mysterious Malta Group - Save Jim Bartlett
Save Jim Bartlett
I don't have any new leads on where Melvin Langley could be, but I did find out that he interviewed a man named Jim Bartlett right before he was abducted. As I understand it, Jim Bartlett used to be a hero back during the 1940's, code-named Thunderhead. Mr. Bartlett's granddaughter filed a police report that her grandfather has gone missing. I don't think this is a coincidence. Particularly since I know where Mr. Bartlett is being held at the moment. Remember how I mentioned that our 'Friends' might try to clean up any loose ends? Unless you can save Jim Bartlett, he may not have much longer to live in the hands of his captors.
- Save Jim Bartlett
Jim Bartlett's safety is your only objective. I'm sure you'll be able to save him.
Unnecessary Solicitation
Jim Bartlett's safety is your only objective. I'm sure you'll be able to save him.
Mission Objective(s)
Jim 'Thunderhead' Bartlett was a famous hero from the 1940's. You have to wonder what Melvin Langley talked with him about, and why the Malta Group would be willing to kill him because of it.
- Save Jim Bartlett
Your quick actions were able to save the life of Jim 'Thunderhead' Bartlett.
Notable NPCs
- Paradox Black Beta (Malta Operatives Gunslinger)
- Jim 'Thunderhead' Bartlett (Hostage)

After you rescued him from Malta Group commandos, Jim 'Thunderhead' Bartlett told you:
'Those guys hit me with somethin' fierce. Even in my younger days, I probably couldn't have taken that. They kept askin' me about some kid from the CIA I talked to a bit back, name of Melvin Langley. Of course, I didn't tell them anything. I dealt with enough jack-booted thugs in my younger days.
I did talk to Melvin Langley. He seemed like a bright fellow. He asked me about the Might for Right act, from way back in '56. I remember it pretty well. It let the government draft any US citizen with meta-human powers or paranormal abilities. I argued against it every chance I got, but everyone was afraid of the reds back then, so a little trampling on civil rights was considered a fair trade, I guess.
Thing is, it was passed in '56, but the idea of a special meta-human draft had been floating around through the military for years before. Back in the war, and I mean World War II, I knew this OSS spook named Roger Vrabel. He was always going on about how the country needed to be able to 'mobilize every super-human asset' and stuff. After the war, most folks were worried about the Russians having the bomb, he was worried about Russian supers. We'd kinda been friends, but when I left the army back in '48, he got real angry. Called me a traitor to my country, and worse if you can believe it. I figure he was under a lot of stress. Never did find out what happened to Vrabel. We didn't really keep in touch.'
I'm glad you were able to save Mr. Bartlett, Character. These people are ruthless, you have to understand that. Jim Bartlett was a hero and a good person, and they were more than willing to kill him because they thought he might have known something. Just the fact that he talked to Melvin Langley was enough to put his life in danger.