Mission:No Room for Humanity - Part One: The Alpha

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Part One: The Alpha


When you've seen what I've seen, Character, you tend to look at life differently. Take Marty here, for instance. Most see him as a monster, as something out to kill them. They look at Marty and see him as a symbol of their own death. They fear him because they fear death. Their sight is limited. They could never see him as a tool, as a weapon to be used to fight for our freedom.

I trained Marty, Character, I trained him to fight for us. People called me insane, but look at him now.

Marty growls, staring blankly ahead.

Marty represents the first step in our plan to take back Imperial City. We will not live in fear of the ghouls anymore. I've seen soldiers scream, run in horror from the ghouls. But we can use them for our own benefit, take that fear and put it into the hearts of those in power.

  • And how exactly are we going to do that?

By training more ghouls, Character. They're like insects crawling in the tunnels. We can put them to work for us, just like Marty. The key is to show them that you have no fear, that you control them, not the other way around. There is a creature from the ghouls, one that I call the 'alpha'. If we were to capture him, we would be able to build up our own small group of powerful ghouls. Wardog can tell you where to find the alpha. It'll be up to you to demonstrate who has the true power.

Speak with Wardog

Unnecessary Solicitation

Don't get too close to Marty, Character. He won't kill you, but his bites aren't too pleasant.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Speak with Wardog


Character, right? I'm Wardog. You'll notice a lot of us here in Imperial don't use that 'Resistance' speak. We're not afraid of speaking normally around each other. I understand that Hatchet wants you to help him. His plan will work - that I have no doubt about - but only with your help. History has shown that even powerful men can depend on their allies. But you must be careful with the ghouls. Hatchet is confident that his own abilities can control the ghouls, but he does not know what the ghouls truly are. None of us do.

  • Hatchet said you'd know where this 'alpha' ghoul is.

Yes, here's its location in the tunnels. But I have to strongly warn you, Character. Hatchet has become blind to his own ambitions. The ghouls can be used for great power, but without knowing where they come from, they will doom us all in the end.

  • Any ideas on how to find where these ghouls come from?

Very few ideas. You've probably run into some ghouls yourself by now. You know that there is some humanity left in them. They question, they wonder, then they devour. Their dormant humanity can help shed some light on what they once were. This is all key, Character. Were they once humans who chose to become animals? Were they forced to become animals? If they chose to become this, then we have no problem, you understand. We simply give them a conduit for their rage. If they had this forced upon them, then we have to take that into consideration. We have to nurture their anger so that it takes them over. All I would suggest is that you try to find out whatever this alpha ghoul's name was when you bring it down.

  • Good advice. I'll see what I can do.
Tame the Alpha ghoul

Unnecessary Solicitation

Wardog gave you the information, right? Then all that's left is to bring down that alpha.

Mission Objective(s)

File:Map P Tunnels 30 Layout 09 01.png
Map: P_Tunnels_30_Layout_09_01

Wardog advised you that these ghouls were once human. Perhaps that's true, but all that means is that they, too, can be used as tools in the fight against Cole.

  • Tame the Alpha Ghoul
    • Weaken the Alpha Ghoul
    • Tame the Alpha Ghoul

You've tamed the alpha ghoul and learned of its former name: Lucas Marcone.



Notable NPCs

Alpha Ghoul

The alpha ghoul growls at you, moving back. It seems to recognize your power and stands down. This could be your chance to uncover more about the ghouls, but you'll have to be assertive when speaking with it.

  • Tell me your name!

Name... don't remember name... too hard to remember... easier to just feed... feed on the bones...

  • I told you to remember! Think, what was your name!

Too difficult, do not want to remember!

  • I don't care if it's too difficult, I told you to remember!
Refuse to remember... Do not want to remember what it once was...!
  • (Beat down the ghoul to force it to remember)
This selection loops to another branch of this conversation which is already documented. (A)
  • (Beat down the ghoul to force it to remember) (A)

You beat down the ghoul, yelling for it to remember its name. Finally, it lets out a small groan, its blank eyes filling with tears, a possible sign of memory.

I... was... Lucas... Lucas... Marcone...

  • Good. Now let's get out of here.
I was Lucas

You beat down the alpha ghoul beneath Imperial City and forced it to remember its old name. The ghoul did everything to repress the memory, but eventually it gave in, telling you that its name was Lucas Marcone.


Good job bringing in the Alpha. I'll work on getting the other packs of ghouls that it belonged to. Wardog told you that it was important to find out what these monsters once were? That's not surprising. Even as hardened as he's become now, he's always been one to tell us to respect history, to respect origins. He claims it's what makes us different from Cole and his regime, that we keep history as it is, that we remember it. But these monsters, Character, they don't need that. They don't need history, they just need to be used.

I've spent days, weeks in their lairs. That's how I earned my name. I survived in a lair of ghouls for a week, by myself, with nothing but a hatchet. I've seen how they act, how they behave. Whatever humanity they once had was gone, and we can't afford to bring that back to life. That's the trouble with most humans, you see. They aren't willing to take that extra step to do what it takes, all because of the fear of death. Only those who have faced death and won have no fear. Or, as you can see here with Marty, those who have no more humanity left in them. This is the only way we're going to win our war.