Mission:Noble Intentions - Chapter Four-and-a-Half : A Not-So-Quiet Riot

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Chapter Four-and-a-Half : A Not-So-Quiet Riot


John loads the files into his laptop and gives it a cursory glance.

This looks great. Terrible. Very great and terrible. I'm going to let an expert have a look at this while I start preparing for-

John is interrupted by his phone. John taps his headset to pick up the call.

Speak! What? Now? Where? I'm on the way!

That was my contact on Alexander Pavlidis' campaign staff. He's just been abducted by the Warriors! He was holding a final pre-election rally on Talos Island, the Warriors' home turf, and it's turned into a warzone. According to his campaign manager the Warriors rushed the conference center where Pavlidis was giving a speech, and simply grabbed him. We can't let them kill our candidate before we can ruin him with the truth! Get in the van, Vengeance is Yours! I'll drive you there and then loop around to pick you up in a few minutes, unless everything goes bottoms up. But I have a good feeling about this!

  • I've seen what happens when you drive, John.

I work best under pressure. Besides, this time I'm not running for my life from terrorists. I'm running to report the truth, as I see it.

John leaps into the driver's seat and revs the engine.

Come on, Character, it's time to make some news! I'll take you right to the Campaign Headquarters and loop around. This should be quick and easy, right?

  • My body is not ready for this...

Unnecessary Solicitation

John is too busy driving to hold a conversation, unless you count the steadily muttered stream of profanities directed at other drivers, pedestrians and the odd fence that gets in his way.

Mission Objective(s)

The smoke of molotovs and the sting of tear gas hangs heavy in the air over Talos Island this day. Counterprotesters are clashing with the Port Noble Citizens Brigade and the Paragon Police Department are struggling to contain the violence. This convention center is more or less abandoned.

  • Riots in Talos!
    • Free the Campaign Manager
    • Gain Entry to the Hostage Building
    • Rescue Alexander
    • 5 riot leaders to defeat (Optional)

You have rescued Alexander the Great from The Warriors and possibly gained a powerful friend.


Paragon Police Department
Port Noble Citizen's Brigade

Template:Enemy Hero Corps



Notable NPCs

Alexander's Guards


Repeat these words into the camera: I, Alexander Pavlidis, denounce my xenophobic policies, my statements regarding the Praetorian refugees, and my false accusations of smuggling and organized crime on Striga island.

Warrior Propagandist

Say it, traitor!

Alexander Pavlidis



Furthermore, I wish to make it known that The Warriors are to be praised for all their civil justice work, their civic courage, honor and morality, and for all the good they have done for the community.

Alexander Pavlidis



Finally, I hereby declare my resignation as a candidate and dissolve my campaign. Any remaining funds shall be donated to the David Hill Society for the Promotion of Greek Values, and...

Alexander Pavlidis

Now, wait just one !@$#**& minute...!

Warrior Propagandist

There's the man behind the smile. Let's rumble!


That was crazy. I was afraid our story was yesterday's news before it could even become current events. But you pulled through and pulled Alexander's feet out of the fire. You saved our golden goose. Now we will find out if it lays golden eggs. Let me just catch my breath first.