Mission:One Life, One Goal - Part 2: Win One for the Villain

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Part 2: Win One for the Villain


Though I am as weak as the minds of those who slaughtered me, I still can feel a connection to the item that I spent my life working on. It is true that it is beneath what you all call 'Skyway City'. An interesting name, really, filled with the hubris of those who believe that such a name could reflect grand ideas.

But, I digress. It seems these 'Lost' have at least chosen an appropriate target for us. This Synapse, he is one of the Freedom Phalanx, correct? I believe they are the equivalent of the bloated gods of our time; rich in power and in stature, but no better than a commoner. I believe someone such as yourself would be better suited towards using his powers, eh?

  • Maybe. Just tell me where in Skyway the obelisk is.

Ah, yes, the location. It should be deep beneath the bowels of Skyway City. Even now, I can feel it moving, getting farther from us. It is rather curious, why these monsters are working with the Lost. Not that I care one way or another. All I know is that they are absconding with my life's work, and I cannot allow that to happen!

You must hurry, before they make off with it completely!

Unnecessary Solicitation

I can feel it going farther, Character. You must move!

Mission Objective(s)


It seems there are PPD are already in the caverns, trying their best to handle the situation.
You'll have to act fast to prevent them from gaining the upper hand.

  • Stop the Igneous from stealing the Obelisk
    • Find someone who knows where the obelisk is
    • 3 runes to activate for Alastor to teleport the PPD - 5:00
    • PPD Squads will rush in every 30 seconds!
    • Find someone who knows where the obelisk is

The obelisk is gone, but you've found out where the ritual will take place!


Paragon Police Department
Minions of Igneous
The Lost

Notable NPCs

  • Reymthin (The Lost)

Ambush! You are ambushed by the Paragon Police Department every 30 seconds.
SWAT Officer: Freeze, Character!

Upon activating all three runes:

Ritual Site

You defeated Reymthin and were able to get him to reveal information on the ritual...

'The Igneous will provide for us a grand stage for our ritual in the Hollows! Lava will flow from the tears in the earth, and then, we shall all ascend, become greater than we ever imagined!

We shall do our masters proud, with Synapse's power, we will serve them better than ever before, in ways they could never imagine.

The old rules said to never resort to magic, but we never understood why. Now, we know why to use the magic, the power it can bring. Our faith, our conviction is stronger than ever, they shall see!'


Agh! This is... this is infuriating! These idiots have no idea the work that went into this obelisk! Do they know how many nights I slaved away at creating the magical runes for it?! The years I spent travelling to search for the exact magical rituals to forge it?! No, but they believe just because they figured out how to use it that it is now theirs!

It is my obelisk, and I will NOT let this stand! But...

There is something we can do. Oh... oh yes, something indeed...