Mission:Power Overwhelming - Part Three: Consequences
Part Three: Consequences
There is a woman in your time, her name is Lady Grey. You've heard of her, I presume? She is a very... knowledgeable woman. I do not quite know her entire background as of yet, but I do know she is aware of a very powerful Incarnate that exists, one other than Statesman or Recluse. She also should be able to answer the very important question regarding how the Well is able to take command over those who are Incarnates.
If you speak to her, I promise that you will be able to learn all that you need to regarding the situation with the Incarnates.
- Is there anything else I need to know beforehand?
Just that her help may come at a price. Running Vanguard is not a simple matter, nor is having the knowledge that she does. No one ever said the power to become an Incarnate would be easy.
Speak with Lady Grey
Unnecessary Solicitation
Have you spoken with Lady Grey yet?
Mission Objective(s)
- Speak with Lady Grey
Lady Grey remains silent for a few moments.
... Yes, I do. You are interested in this path to power, are you? Then, perhaps we can help each other out.
We recently had an issue where a container holding a connection to the Well was stolen. We believe it was the work of a rogue Vanguard captain named Captain Holtz. He may have also been working with Crey.
Gaussian has been working on tracking down the captain, but we cannot risk sending in our own soldiers to track Holtz and the item down, given that Holtz had a very high reputation amongst his men. If you help us track down the container and the rogue captain, I will tell you everything you need to know. Are we agreed?
- You've got yourself a deal.
Excellent. I must warn you, Character, this retrieval may be extremely difficult for you to do on your own. I would suggest gathering allies to help you in this task. When we speak again, it will be when you have been enlightened by the nature of Incarnates.
- Very well.
Retrieve the stolen Incarnate container
Unnecessary Solicitation
Lady Grey has agreed to assist you? Excellent. Though, I wonder what exactly is in this container?
Mission Objective(s)
You enter the tunnels where this container has been stolen off to. Though, you have to wonder what exactly is being held in this container.
- Retrieve the stolen Incarnate container
- Search for the Container
- Recover the Honoree
- Defeat Captain Holtz
- Search for the Container
You find the remnants of the container.
You've recovered the Honoree and defeated Captain Holtz!
Notable NPCs
- Captain Holtz (Vanguard Colonel, Archvillain)
- Weakened Honoree (Archvillain)
- permanently open Rikti Assault Portals x 5 (object)
You found the remnants of the container

You look through the pile of rubble and find a large piece of metal. It's obvious that this was just one piece of a very large container. You're able to make out some words on one side of the container. 'Honoree Containment'. If this held the Honoree, then he must be somewhere deeper within the tunnels! But does this mean that he is an Incarnate?
The Honoree lets out a few grunts before looking up to you. You expect his garbled Rikti talk, but instead hear a familiar voice.
I told you that we would meet again, Character. Your journey to find out more about the power of the Incarnates would eventually lead you to here.
- You knew I would come here, after Trapdoor?
You must be wondering about the Honoree, or as he was once called, Hero 1. He is indeed an Incarnate, one just as powerful as Statesman or Lord Recluse. He did not know this, however. The sword that he found on that fateful day so long ago imbued him with tremendous powers, powers linked directly to me. Even without the sword in his possession, he is still linked to me, much like the the Lady who granted him the sword is.
As you can see, Character, the connections to my source are numerous and vast, given only to those who prove themselves worthy. Even now, in his deranged and destroyed state, Hero 1 is able to maintain some sort of control, however little it is, over himself. Few are able to do this against the Rikti, and for that, he has earned my respect.
- What now? What about this artifact in my hand?
It is one that is unique to yourself and the source of your own power. You saw it shift, take form to your center, yes? It is much like Hero 1's Excalibur, or the Fountain that Statesman and Recluse drank from. But, you will need it to be powered. In its current state, it is useless to you. Once it is fully powered, however, it will allow you to be directly linked to myself, making you even more powerful than Hero 1, Statesman, or Recluse. Those three, they were simple men when they found my artifacts. Yes, they had proven themselves already, but their abilities were no where near your own.
Go to the ancient time of Cimerora, to one of the caverns off the shores. Deep within there, you will find one of my sources, one of my wells. When you come in contact with it, your artifact shall be fully powered, empowering you to unimaginable ends!
I look forward to seeing you very soon, Character. Yes.. soon, you and I shall be linked together...
The voice leaves the Honoree's body. It would be best to teleport him back to Vanguard now. In his current state, he will either be taken back by the Rikti and used for their own purposes, or turn against you if you were try to use him for your own ends.
- (Send the Honoree back to Vanguard.)
You tag the Honoree with a beacon, teleporting him away.
Speak with Lady Grey
Unecessary Solicitation
Let's meet again once you've spoken with Lady Grey.
Mission Objective(s)
- Speak with Lady Grey
Thank you for your aid, Character. You no doubt know by now that the Honoree... that Hero 1 was an Incarnate. Did you hear the voice? The one from the Well?
- Yes, I did. Can it control any Incarnate?
What I am about to tell you must come with no questions regarding how or why I have this knowledge.
The Well's control is very specific, Character, for there are two paths towards the path of becoming a fully powered Incarnate. The first is the fast path, one where the user is granted unimaginable power in a large amount. This is what happened to Statesman, Recluse, and Hero 1. Those who travel down this path develop a very close link to the Well very quickly. This is why the Well is able to control them.
The fate of those who travel down this path is one of constant servitude. Of the three, only Recluse and Statesman were truly aware of this. There is always the risk that the Well will seek to control them; this risk is increased when they try to increase their own power. In a sense, their freedom is confined. If they do not seek more power than what they've been given, they have a chance of fighting the Well's control. To seek more power from the Well itself... it would risk them seeing an end to their own selves.
This is why Statesman has always been fearful of trying to seek out more power, both for himself and others. Recluse, in all of his bids for power, has been trying to seek a way to destroy this link and still maintain his power. While Statesman remains in his place with the Well, Recluse seeks to defy it, to destroy it and earn his freedom.
- You said there were two paths. What is the other?
The other is a slower path, gradually gaining more and more power from the Well. This is one that some have begun, but many of these people are not widely known. This path obviously takes much longer than the other, but those who follow this path have no risk of being controlled by the Well. The link of the Well to the person is not as strong as the previous path, meaning that one could tap into the limitless power of the Well without fear of being consumed by it.
However... there are still risks, even with this, but that is simply human nature. Once one gets a taste of the power of the Well, it may become increasingly difficult to resist the urge to try to gain more and more power as quickly as possible. To do this, however, would seal your fate to that of the Well's. This slower path is one that will ensure your freedom and the possibility of unending power, if you can resist its calling to let yourself be consumed by it.
- Interesting... is there anything else?
That is all, Character. Thank you again for your help. And if you are choosing to walk down this path, be careful. You walk on the thin edge of a sword. The only thing that will prevent you from becoming lost within the Well is your own willpower.
Remember that always.
- I will.
You've spoken with Lady Grey?
Hm... interesting. This confirms many of my theories, though I do wonder how the Lady knows this. If what the Well told you is true, then we have an exact location where you can fully power your artifact. Are you concerned, however, about losing yourself to the Well?
When we arrive, you will be able to make the choice of how you want to proceed. You can either allow a small portion of the the Well's power in to the artifact to empower it, preventing the Well from controlling you, or drown the artifact in the Well's power. The choice is yours, Character, though the latter is a fate that I, personally, would choose to avoid.