Mission:Power Overwhelming - Part Two: The One That Got Away
Part Two: The One That Got Away
The power that you had in that timelime was immense, Character. We need to see about starting you down that path in order to combat what is to come.
Our best resource would be to consult with those Incarnates who currently exist among us. I believe you know of them quite well, correct? Statesman and Lord Recluse. Both of them would be the most 'well known' Incarnates.
- Well known? There are others?
Of course. That is what I am hoping they will tell us. There are many other Incarnates out there aside from those two. Some more powerful than them, others much less. There are even some who do not realize that they have this connection to the Well.
Speak with Statesman/Lord Recluse
Unnecessary Solicitation
Speak with Mender Ramiel
Unnecessary Solicitation

As Mender Ramiel has not given you a means of contacting him without talking face to face, there is no Unnecessary Solicitation.
Mission Objective(s)
- Speak with Mender Ramiel
Track down Trapdoor
Unnecessary Solicitation
I'm making some strides on my end regarding the Well, Character.
Mission Objective(s)
You're teleported directly into the Council base. Trapdoor lurks somewhere within, holding the artifact that can unlock the powers of an Incarnate.
- Track down Trapdoor
- Face off against Trapdoor
- Speak with Trapdoor
You've recovered the artifact from Trapdoor!
Notable NPCs
- Trapdoor (Elite Boss)
- Trapdoor Bifurcation (Bifurcation Minion)

If struggling against Trapdoor's regeneration, one tactic is to use the lava on the ground floor to help drain his healthpoints by making him stand in it while fighting. The 'best' way is to defeat the Bifurcations whenever they are spawned, as they are the main cause of Trapdoor's high regeneration. Seize the moment to attack Trapdoor as much as possible before he respawns them.
Please... just let me walk away! I didn't want any of this to happen, I just wanted to live a normal life!
- Where is the artifact?
You see Trapdoor grasping the artifact, glaring at you.
You can't have it! Do you hear me?! This holds the key to untold power, power that I won't let fall into someone else's hands!
- ... you want mercy and then you say something like that?
I can't go back to my normal life, don't you understand?! I need this to continue forward, to make my mark, to fight for my old life back! I won't let you take away this chance from me, do you hear me?!
- I'll help you get your old life back. Just give me the artifact and you can begin.
- You... you would do that? You're not just going to send me back to an Arachnos prison? Who could help me? Who would help me?
- There are people out there who will help you. Trust me.
- Trapdoor looks around suspiciously, then back to you.
- ... Alright. I'll give you the artifact. But mark my words, Character. If this is a trick... If no one will help me, I'll find you again!
- Trapdoor extends his hand, holding the artifact in the palm of his hand.
- (Take the artifact)
The form of the artifact shifts as it rests in your hand for a few minutes before forming into a mirror. It is big enough that you can just see your face within it.
The form of the artifact shifts as it rests in your hand for a few minutes before forming into a magic symbol, solid in your palm.
The form of the artifact shifts as it rests in your hand for a few minutes before forming into a replica DNA strand, solid in your palm.
The form of the artifact shifts as it rests in your hand for a few minutes before forming into a solid piece of paper riddled with numerous equations and formulas.
The form of the artifact shifts as it rests in your hand for a few minutes before forming into a schematic for some sort of device, though you're not sure what exactly this device is.
Redeemed TrapdoorYou chose to help Trapdoor redeem himself. He trusted enough in you to hand over the Incarnate artifact that was in his possession.
- Leave
- I don't have time for this. I'm taking this artifact, even if it's at the cost of your life!
- Trapdoor prepares to fight you again, though it's obvious that he's in no shape to pose a challenge to you anymore.
- (Finish off Trapdoor and take the artifact.)
You finish off Trapdoor and rip the artifact from his hands. The form of the artifact shifts as it rests in your hand for a few minutes before forming into a mirror. It is big enough that you can just see your face within it.
You finish off Trapdoor and rip the artifact from his hands. The form of the artifact shifts as it rests in your hand for a few minutes before forming into a magic symbol, solid in your palm.
You finish off Trapdoor and rip the artifact from his hands. The form of the artifact shifts as it rests in your hand for a few minutes before forming into a replica DNA strand, solid in your palm.
You finish off Trapdoor and rip the artifact from his hands. The form of the artifact shifts as it rests in your hand for a few minutes before forming into a solid piece of paper riddled with numerous equations and formulas.
You finish off Trapdoor and rip the artifact from his hands. The form of the artifact shifts as it rests in your hand for a few minutes before forming into a schematic for some sort of device, though you're not sure what exactly this device is.
Killed TrapdoorYou decided to kill Trapdoor, as it was obvious he was unwilling to give you his Incarnate artifact.
- Leave

There is no Debriefing message. Mender Ramiel will prompt the player for his next mission.